The Action of Islam at Nahrawan
After the unsatisfactory cessation to the Action of Siffin, Imam Ali (AS) alternate with his army aback to Kufa on the 13th of Safar 37 A.H. During the march, a accumulation of 12,000 men kept themselves at a ambit from the capital allotment of the army.
The accumulation was bent at the way things had concluded at Siffin. These were the Kharjites (Kharjite agency one who rebels adjoin religion). They were the aforementioned humans who had put down their weapons on the battlefield. Now they said that Imam Ali (AS) had betrayed Islam by accordant to the accord and should acquire referred acumen to the Holy Qur'an alone or connected to fight. They accepted that he apologize for this abundant sin.
When the army neared Kufa, the Kharjites camped at a apple called Harura. They started adage that all Muslims were according and cipher could aphorism over the other. In this way, they denounced both Imam Ali (AS) and Muawiya and said that their acceptance was in "La Hukma Illa Lillah", meaning, "No Ruler address except by Allah alone."
Imam Ali (AS) beatific Sasaa Bin Sauhan and Ziad Bin Nazr Harisi in the aggregation of Ibne Abbas appear them and afterwards himself went to the abode of their break and approved to explain to them that they were confounding the words "La Hukma Illa Lillah", and that in accepting the adjudication (peace talks) at Siffin, he had not gone adjoin the article of the Holy Qur'an.
He acicular out that they themselves were at fault, because they should never acquire laid down their accoutrements and affected him to alarm aback Malike Ashtar, who was at the point of accepting victory. He reminded them that they had apprenticed for the adjudication and had affected him to accredit Abu Musa Ash'ari as their representative. He told them that he begin their present behavior actual strange, because their captivation in Siffin. To this they accepted that they had sinned but now they had repented for it and he should do the same.
Imam Ali (AS) replied that he was a accurate accepter and did not acquire to apologize because he had not committed any sin and broadcast them afterwards discussion.
The Kharjites banned to acquire the words of Imam Ali (AS) and accessible the accommodation of Amr al-Aas and Abu Musa Ash'ari. If they learnt of the accommodation they absitively to revolt, and they set up their address at Nahrawan, twelve afar from Baghdad. Some humans came from Basra to accompany the rebels.
On the added side, afterwards audition the adjudication of Adjudication Imam Ali (AS) rose for angry the army of Syria and wrote to the Kharijites that the adjudication anesthetized by the two arbitrators in aftereffect of their heart's wishes instead of the Qur'an and sunnah was not adequate to him, that he had accordingly absitively to action with them and they should abutment him for crushing the enemy. But the Kharijites gave him this reply, "When you had agreed to Adjudication in our appearance you had angry heretic.
Now if you accept your agnosticism and action attrition we will anticipate over this amount and adjudge what we should do." Imam Ali (AS) accepted from their acknowledgment that their defiance and misguidance had become actual serious. To absorb any affectionate of achievement from them now was futile. Consequently, blank them he encamped in the basin of an-Nukhaylah with a appearance to boot appear Syria to action adjoin Muawiya.
Imam Ali (AS) had already started appear Muawiya if he accustomed the account that they had butchered the governor of Nahrawan namely Abdullah Ibn Khabbab Ibn al-Aratt and his bondservant maid with the adolescent in her womb, and acquire dead three women of Banu Tayyi and Umm Sinan as-Saydawiyyah. Imam Ali (AS) beatific al-Harith Ibn Murrah al-Abdi for analysis but he too was dead by them. If their apostasy accomplished this date it was all-important to accord with them. There was a crisis that the Kharjites ability advance Kufa while Imam Ali (AS) and his men were boot appear Muawiya, so Imam Ali (AS) absitively to stop them. He afflicted his advance eastward, beyond the river Tigris and approached Nahrawan.
On extensive there Imam Ali (AS) beatific a agent to the Kharjites ambitious that those humans who had murdered innocent Muslims about their affected should be surrendered. The Kharjites replied that they were all appropriately amenable for killing these sinners.
There was some abhorrence in the army of Imam Ali (AS) to action the Kharjites, because they had been their assembly adjoin Muawiya at Siffin. Imam Ali (AS) himself did not admiration the action of these bearded fanatics, so he beatific Abu Ayyub al-Ansari with a bulletin of peace. So he batten to them aloud, "Whoever comes beneath this banderole or separates from that affair and goes to Kufah or al-Mada'in would get absolution and he would not be questioned.
As a aftereffect of this Farwah Ibn Nawfal al-Ashja'i said that he did not apperceive why they were at war with Imam Ali (AS). Adage this he afar forth with 5 hundred men. Similarly accumulation afterwards accumulation began to abstracted and some of them abutting Imam Ali (AS). In the end, alone cores of 1,800 die-hards were larboard beneath the command of Abdallah bin Wahab. These Kharjites swore that they would action Imam Ali (AS) at any cost.
Nahjul Balagha - Address 36/Warning the humans of Nahrawan of their fate:
"I am admonishing you that you will be dead on the angle of this aqueduct and on the akin of this low breadth while you will acquire no bright alibi afore Allah nor any accessible ascendancy with you. You acquire appear out of your houses and again all-powerful decree circuitous you. I had brash you adjoin this adjudication but you alone my admonition like adversaries and opponents till I angry my account in the administration of your wishes. You are a accumulation whose active are bare of wit and intelligence. May you acquire no father! (Allah's woe be to you!) I acquire not put you in any calamity nor admired you harm."
The Kharjites attacked Imam Ali's (AS) army with atrocious courage. However, they did not angle a adventitious adjoin the above army that faced them and they were all dead except nine men. These nine managed to abscond to Basra and elsewhere, area they advance the blaze of their abhorrence and recruited added followers. From Imam Ali's (AS) army alone eight bodies fell as martyrs. The action took abode on the 9th Safar, 38 A.H. Two years later, in 40 A.H., it was the Kharjites who beatific out three assassins to annihilate Imam Ali (AS), Muawiya and Amr al-Aas. The closing two survived but Imam Ali (AS) was martyred afterward Ibne Muljam's afraid advance in the abbey of Kufa.
Having disposed of the Kharjites at Nahrawan, Imam Ali (AS) resumed his advance to Syria. However, the chiefs of his followers apprenticed him to stop at Kufa to let the men blow afore the continued adventure and to accredit the army to adjustment their weapons and armours. Imam Ali (AS) agreed to this appeal and camped at Nukhayla alfresco Kufa. The soldiers were accustomed to leave the affected for a day.
On the next day, hardly any men alternate and at length, Imam Ali (AS) entered Kufa and gave a ascetic address to the people. However, cipher came advanced and finally, Imam Ali (AS) angry abroad from them in disappointment. The Syrian campaign was abandoned, never to be resumed.
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