Complete History of The Activity of Ahzab
In this activity the armament of the agnostic Arabs and the Jews were mobilized adjoin Islam and, afterwards basic a able aggressive alliance, they besieged Madina for about one month. As assorted tribes and groups alternate in this activity and as the Muslims dug a canal about Madina to analysis the beforehand of the enemy, this activity is alleged the Activity of Ahzab (i.e. Activity of the Tribes); it is aswell alleged Activity of Khandaq (i.e. Activity of the Ditch).
Those, who sparked off this war, were the leaders of the Jewish association of Bani Nuzayr and aswell a accumulation of Bani Wa'il. The able draft which the Jews of Bani Nuzayr had accustomed at the easily of the Muslims and the address in which they larboard Madina beneath browbeating and acclimatized in Khayber, fabricated them draw out a minute plan for toppling down the actual foundation of Islam.
And, in fact, they did draw out a alarming plan and confronted the Muslims alternating with assorted tribes. This accident was aberrant in the history of the Arabs.
Their planning was that the leaders of the association of Bani Nuzayr, like Salam bin Abil Haqiq and Hay bin Akhtab accustomed in Makkah alternating with some bodies acceptance to the association of Wa'il and, accepting contacted the chiefs of Quraysh, batten to them thus: "Muhammad has fabricated you and us his targets and accountable the Jews of Bani Qaynuqa' and Bani Nuzayr to abdicate their homeland.
You humans of Quraysh should acceleration and seek advice from your allies and we acquire seven hundred Jewish swordsmen (Bani Qurayzah) who will blitz to abetment you. The Jews of Bani Qurayzah acquire evidently assured a defence accord with Muhammad but we shall actuate them to avoid the accord and accompany you.[394]
The chiefs of Quraysh were disillusioned and annoyed of angry with the Muslims but the boasting of these three bodies afflicted them and they admired and accustomed their plan. However, afore cogent their approval they questioned the leaders of the Jews thus: "You are the humans of the Scriptures and followers of Heavenly Books and can actual able-bodied analyze amid accuracy and falsehood.
You apperceive that we acquire no differences with Muhammad except on annual of his adoration which is adverse to ours. Now amuse acquaint us bluntly which of the two religions is bigger - ours or his which is based on the adoration of One Allah and breaking of the idols and diplomacy down of the idol-temples."
Let us see what acknowledgment these humans (who advised themselves to be the supporters of the article of Oneness of Allah and the standard-bearers of monotheism) gave to the apprenticed and apprenticed accumulation who had accustomed them to be abstruse and had placed their difficulties afore them. They aboveboard replied: "Idolatry is bigger than the adoration of Muhammad. You should abide abiding in your acceptance and should not actualization the aboriginal amore to his religion.[395]
It was a base stain on the actualization of the Jews, who fabricated the face of the history of Judaism, which was already dark, still darker. This blooper on their allotment is so unpardonable that the Jewish writers accurate abundant affliction for it. Dr. Israel writes appropriately in his book advantaged History of the Jews and Arabia: "It was not able that the Jews should acquire committed such a aberration even admitting Quraysh ability acquire abandoned their request.
Furthermore, it was not at all able that they should acquire accustomed aegis of the idolaters, because such an activity is not in acquiescence with the article of the Taurat".[396]
In actuality this is the activity which the agnostic politicians of today acquire for the accomplishment of their aims and objects. they agilely acquire that one should beforehand all permissible and blamable agency to accomplish one's article and in fact, according to their thinking, accomplishment of a purpose makes blamable things permissible for them, and chastity is abandoned that which helps afresh accomplish their object.
The Holy Qur'an says appropriately about this absinthian incident: Haven't you apparent how those who had been accustomed a allotment of the Scripture acquire in idols and Satan and say the disbelievers are bigger guided than the believers!. (Surah al-Nisa, 4:51 )
The chat of these alleged advisers afflicted the idolaters. They, therefore, bidding acceding with their plan and the time of their beforehand to Madina was aswell settled.
Those humans who there agog to activate off the war came out of Makkah with adored hearts and aboriginal proceeded to Najd to acquaintance the association of Ghatfan, who were the affidavit enemies of Islam.
Out of Ghatfan association the families of Bani Fazarah, Bani Murrah and Bani Ashja' conceded to their appeal on the activity that, afterwards achievement was achieved, they would be accustomed one year's accretion of Khayber. The amount did not, however, end here, because Quraysh corresponded with their allies-Bani Salim, and Ghatfan with their allies - Bani Asad, and arrive them to accompany this aggressive alliance. Bani Salim and Bani Asad accustomed their allurement and on the appointed day all these tribes rushed from altered locations of Arabia to access and beat Madina.[397]
Intelligence Bureau of Muslims
From the day the Prophet had acclimatized down in Madina he consistently beatific able bodies to altered sides, so that they ability acquaint him about the altitude prevailing in those areas as able-bodied as the activities of humans residing alfresco the territories of Islam.
The informants appear that a able aggressive accord had been formed adjoin Islam and those humans would beforehand on an appointed day to assail Madina. The Prophet anon formed a advising board so that they ability yield decisions befitting in actualization the absinthian adventures acquired from the Activity of Uhud.
Some bodies adopted adherent defence from the building and the top places instead of traveling out of the city-limits to face the enemy. However, this arrangement was not adequate, because the huge backpack of warriors of Arabia with bags of soldiers could abort the fortresses and the building and could overpower the Muslims. It was, therefore, all-important to yield accomplish to ensure that the antagonist did not accomplish in abutting Madina.
Salman Farsi, who was absolutely abreast with the art of Iranian warfare, said: "In Persia, as and if humans are threatened with an beforehand by the enemies, they dig a abysmal canal about the boondocks and appropriately analysis their advance. Hence, it would be adapted to aegis the accessible credibility of Madina by agency of a canal and appropriately to authority aback the antagonist in those areas.
Simultaneously, building and bouncer posts should be complete by the coffer of the canal for purposes of defence and the enemies should be prevented from bridge the canal by cutting arrows and casting stones on them from the building and the fortresses".[398]
The advancement fabricated by Salman was accustomed absolutely and this arresting arrangement contributed a adequate accord appear the assurance of the Muslims accompanied by some persons, abandoned inspected the accessible credibility and apparent out the spots area the canal was to be dug. It was absitively that the canal should be dug from Uhud up to Ratij and, in adjustment to advance a adequate order, every forty cubits were entrusted to ten men.
The Prophet himself addled the aboriginal aces on the arena and began digging the apple if Ali busied himself with throwing the adobe out. The face and forehead of the Prophet was bathed and he was uttering, "Real activity is the activity of the Hereafter. O Allah! Forgive the Muhajirs and the Ansar! "
By agreeable himself in this plan the Prophet embodied a allotment of the programme of Islam and fabricated the Muslim association acquire that a administrator of the army and a baton of the association should abide hardships like others and should allay their burden.
The Prophet's labour created a appropriate activity amidst the Muslims and all of them, afterwards any exception, started work, so abundant so that the Jews acceptance to the association of Bani Qurayzah who had assured a accord with the Muslims aswell rendered advice by accouterment implements.[399] The Muslims were actual harder up in those canicule for provisions, and the affluent families were apprehension advice to the soldiers of Islam.
When the digging of the canal became difficult on annual of the actualization of big stones they approached the Prophet, who himself bankrupt the big rocks with a able blow.
The across of the canal can be estimated by demography into annual the amount of workers.
According to a accepted adaptation the amount of the Muslims in those canicule was 3000,[400] and if digging of 40 cubits was performed by ten bodies the across of the canal would appear to 12,000 cubits and its across was so abundant that able and accomplished riders could not cantankerous it on horseback.
The Well-known Remarks of the Prophet About Salman
When the workers were getting broadcast a altercation circumscribed up amid the Muhajirs and the Ansar with attention to Salman. Anniversary of the two parties claimed that Salman belonged to them and should plan alternating with them. At this choice the Prophet put an end to the altercation with a absolute adjustment and said: "Salman is one of the associates of my household".
The Prophet spent his canicule and nights by the coffer of the canal till the plan was completed. However, the hypocrites bootless to do the plan on assorted excuses and at times went abroad to their houses afterwards accepting permission from the Prophet, while the accurate believers remained active in their plan with close determination, and discontinued plan on adequate alibi afterwards accepting permission from the commander, and alternate to plan afresh if the alibi accomplished to exist. This amount has been anecdotal in the 62nd and 63rd verses of Surah al-Nur.
Complete History of The Activity of Ahzab
The Army of the Arabs and the Jews Besieges Madina
The Arab army encamped like swarms of all-overs and locusts on the coffer of the abysmal ditch, which was dug by the Muslims abandoned six canicule afore their arrival. They had been assured to face the army of Islam at the bottom of Mt. Uhud, but if they accomplished the arid of Uhud they did not acquisition any trace of the Muslims there.
They, therefore, connected their beforehand till they accomplished the coffer of the ditch. They were abashed to see the canal annular the accessible locations of Madina and all of them said: "Muhammad has learnt these war approach from an Iranian, because the Arabs are not acquainted with this blazon of warfare".
Number of Soldiers of the Two Forces
The army of the Arabs exceeded 10,000 persons. The lustre of their swords from abaft the canal addled the eyes. As quoted by Maqrizi in al-lmta', Quraysh abandoned encamped on the coffer of the canal with 4000 soldiers, three hundred horses and 1500 camels, and the association of Salim abutting them in Marruz Zahran with 700 men.
The association of Bani Fazarah with 1000 men and the tribes of Bani Ashja' and Bani Murrah with 400 men anniversary and added tribes, whose absolute amount exceeded 10,000 men, encamped in addition part.
The Muslims did not beat three thousand and their camping abode was in the bottom of Mt. Sala', which is an animated spot. This point absolutely controlled the canal as able-bodied as its alien locations and all the activities and movements of the antagonist could be apparent acutely from there. Some Muslims had been acquaint to assure the building and the bouncer posts and to ascendancy cartage over the ditch, and they prevented the antagonist from bridge the canal by agency of accustomed and bogus fortifications.
The army of the Arabs backward on the added ancillary of the canal for about one ages and during this aeon not added than a few bodies were able to cantankerous it. And those who accustomed to cantankerous the canal were repulsed by agency of appropriate stones which were acclimated in those times instead of the bullets of today. During this aeon the Muslims had some absorbing adventures with the abuse Arabs which are recorded in history.[401]
The Rigours of Winter and the Curtailment of Provisions
The Activity of Ahzab took abode in winter. Madina was faced with aridity that year and a accompaniment of semi-famine prevailed. The accoutrement accessible with the army of the Arabs were not adequate to admittance them to breach on any more, because they had never anticipation that they would be bedfast on the coffer of a canal for abounding one month. On the adverse they were abiding that with a individual beforehand they would be able to affected the warriors of Islam and would put them to the sword.
Those who had sparked off the war (i.e. the Jews) accomplished this analytical bearings afterwards a few days. They accepted that with the access of time the resolution of the commanders of the army would be attenuated and they would accede to the rigours of winter and the curtailment of fodder and foodstuffs. They, therefore, anticipation of gluttonous advice from Bani Qurayzah, who were residing aural Madina, so that they ability activate off the war aural the city-limits and appropriately accessible the way for the army of the Arabs to access it.
Hay Bin Akhtab Arrives in the Breastwork of Bani Qurayzah
Bani Qurayzah were the abandoned Jews who were residing in Madina, ancillary by ancillary with the Muslims, in absolute accord and ataraxia and admired the accord which they had assured with Prophet Muhammad.
Hay bin Akhtab acquainted that achievement could be acquired by gluttonous advice for the army of the Arabs from central Madina. He absitively to abet Bani Qurayzah to carelessness the accord fabricated with the Muslims so that angry ability blaze up amid them and this centralized agitation ability facilitate achievement for the army of the Arabs.
With this plan in his apperception he approached the breastwork of Bani Qurayzah and alien himself. Ka'b, who was the arch of Bani Qurayzah, ordered that the aboideau of the breastwork ability not be opened. However, Hay insisted and entreated and said aloud: "O Ka'b! Are you not aperture the aboideau because you are abashed of your aliment and baptize (i.e. because you are abashed that you will acquire to augment me?) This book reflected aloft the generosity and adventuresomeness of an absolute arch like Ka'b.
It, therefore, prompted him to adjustment that the aboideau ability be opened for Hay. The war-monger sat by the ancillary of his co-religionist and batten to him thus: "I acquire brought a apple of honour and abundance appear you. The chiefs of Quraysh, the nobles of Arabia and the princes of Ghatfan who are absolutely equipped, acquire encamped on the coffer of the canal to abort the accepted antagonist (the Prophet) and acquire accustomed me a affiance that until they acquire asleep Muhammad and his assembly they will not acknowledgment to their homes".
Ka'b replied: "I affirm by the Almighty that you acquire brought abasement and disgrace. In my actualization the army of the Arabs is like a bright billow which thunders but does not rain. O son of Akhtab! O war-monger! Accumulate your easily off us. The accomplished qualities of Prophet Muhammad prohibit us from blank the accord which we acquire assured with him.
We acquire apparent annihilation from him except truthfulness, artlessness and righteousness. So how can we carelessness him?
Like a accomplished camel-man who tames a adverse biscuit by abrading its hump, Hay bin Akhtab said so abounding things to Ka'b that eventually he agreed to carelessness the pact. Hay aswell promised Ka'b that if the army of the Arabs was not arrive over Muhammad, he (Hay) himself would appear to the breastwork and allotment the fate of Ka'b. Ka'b alleged the chiefs of the Jews in the attendance of Hay and formed a advising board and arrive their opinions. All of them said: "You may adjudge whatever you accede expedient and we shall obey you".[402]
Zubayr Bata, who was an old man, said: "l acquire apprehend in the Taurat that in afterwards times a Prophet will acceleration from Makkah. He will drift to Madina. His adoration will advance throughout the apple and no army will accretion a achievement over him. If Muhammad is the aforementioned Prophet this army will not be arrive over him".
The son of Akhtab said at once: "That Prophet will be from amidst Bani Israel, admitting Muhammad is a brood of Isma'il; he has calm these humans about him by agency of ambidexterity and magic". He talked so abundant on the accountable that he succeeded in authoritative them adjudge to breach the pact. He aswell alleged for the accord which had been assured amid Prophet Muhammad and Bani Qurayzah and tore it into pieces afore their actual eyes.
Then he said: "The amount is now finished. You should get accessible to allowance war".[403]
The Prophet Becomes Acquainted of the Abuse of the Accord by Bani Qurayzah
The Prophet was abreast by his accomplished functionaries about the abuse of the accord by Bani Qurayzah at this analytical juncture. He was actual abundant abashed on this account. He at already commissioned Sa'd Mu'az and Sa'd 'Ubadah, who were adventurous soldiers of Islam and chiefs of the tribes of Aws and Khazraj, to aggregate accurate information.
He aswell instructed them that if the betrayal by Bani Qurayzah was begin to be a actuality they should acquaint him about it by application the code-word of 'Azal and Qarah (names of two tribes who arrive Muslim missionaries to their acreage and afresh cut off their heads) and if they were close with attention to the accord they should belie the allegation openly. Both of them went up to the aboideau of the breastwork of Bani Qurayzah alternating with two added persons. On their aboriginal appointment with Ka'b they heard annihilation from him except calumniating and abhorrent language.
One of them afresh said with abstruse inspiration: "By Allah! The army of the Arabs will go abroad from this area and the Prophet will assail this breastwork and will chop off your active and will accomplish time difficult for your tribe". Afresh they alternate anon and said to the Prophet: 'Azal and Qarah ".
The Prophet said loudly: "Allah is Great! O Muslims! There are adequate advice for you that achievement is near". This sentence, which manifests the absolute adventuresomeness and accuracy of the abundant baton of Islam, was accurate to ensure that the assurance of the Muslims ability not be attenuated on audition about the abuse of the accord by Bani Qurayzah.[404]
Initial Transgressions by Bani Qurayzah
The antecedent plan of Bani Qurayzah that in the aboriginal instance they should boodle Madina and affright the women and the accouchement of the Muslims who had taken apartment in their houses. They, therefore, put this plan in to convenance in Madina gradually.
For archetype the adventurous men of Bani Qurayzah began traveling to and fro in the city-limits in a abstruse manner, so abundant so that Safiyah, babe of Abdul Muttalib, said: "I was blockage in the abode of Hassan bin Thabit and Hassan and his wife were aswell residing there. Al of a sudden I saw a Jew dabbling about about the acropolis in a abstruse manner. I said to Hassan: "The intentions of this man are not good. Get up and drive him away". Hassan said: "O babe of Abdul Muttalib! I don't acquire abundant adventuresomeness to annihilate him and I am abashed that if I go out of this acropolis I shall accommodated harm". I, therefore, got up myself, girded my loin, best up a section of adamant and asleep the Jew with one blow.
The getting appointed by the Muslims to aggregate advice appear to the Prophet that Bani Qurayzah had asked Quraysh and Ghatfan to accomplish accessible two thousand soldiers who should access Madina from aural the breastwork and boodle the city. This address was accustomed if the Muslims were attention the coffer of the canal lest the antagonist should cantankerous it. The Prophet anon appointed two admiral alleged Zayd Harithah and Maslamah Aslam alternating with 5 hundred soldiers to convoying the city-limits and, while uttering Takbir (Allaho Akbar- Allah is Great!) anticipate Bani Qurayzah from committing breach so that the women and the accouchement should feel comforted by audition Takbir.[405]
Encounter Amid Acceptance and Infidelity
By the time the Activity of Ahzab took abode the idolaters and the Jews had fought assorted battles adjoin Islam. However, all these were appropriate battles bound to one association or accumulation only, and did not acquire a accepted aspect to absorb the absolute Arabian Peninsula in a activity adjoin Islam.
As, however, they did not succeed, in animosity of all their efforts, to topple down the newly-founded Accompaniment of Islam, but on this occasion, a alloyed army, consisting of the humans of altered tribes, so as to accomplishment Islam. Speaking idiomatically, they attempt the endure arrow in their convulsion at the Muslims. Hence, afterwards spending abundant money and aswell requesting others for help, they mobilized a big army so that if the Muslims did not yield any basic measures to avert Madina they ability accretion an simple achievement over them and appropriately accomplish their goal.
For this purpose they aswell brought with them the abundant best of Arabia ('Amr bin Abdiwad) so that all difficulties ability be apparent through the backbone of his arm.
On this account, during the canicule of the Activity of Ahzab and in actuality at the time of the appointment amid the two corresponding champions of polytheism and Islam, adultery and Islam faced anniversary added and this activity was amid adultery and Acceptance (Islam).
One of the affidavit for the abortion of the army of the Arabs was the actual canal which had been dug in their way. The army of the antagonist accustomed day and night to cantankerous the ditch, but every time they were faced with the bent attacks of the sentries as planned by the Prophet.
The bitter winter of that year and the curtailment of aliment and fodder were aggressive the lives of the Arab army and their animals. Hay bin Akhtab (who had accomplished the war) acquired twenty camel-loads of palm-dates from the Jews of Bani Qurayzah but the aforementioned were confiscated by the Muslims and broadcast amidst the soldiers of Islam.[406]
One day Abu Sufyan wrote the afterward letter to the Prophet: "I acquire appear with a big army to abolish your religion. But what to do? For it appears that you acquire advised activity with us to be abhorrent and acquire dug a canal amid us and yourself. I do not apperceive from whom you acquire learnt this aggressive strategy, but I acquire to acquaint you that until I acquire waged a blood-soaked activity like Uhud I will not return".
The Prophet beatific him this reply: "From Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah to Abu Sufyan bin Harb.......You acquire been priding yourself aback continued and brainstorm that you can extinguish the ablaze of Islam. However, you should apperceive that you are too apprehensive to do this. You will acknowledgment anon afterwards adversity defeat and I shall later, breach the big idols of Quraysh afore your actual eyes".
Reply to the letter, which was apocalyptic of the close assurance of the biographer acclimatized in the amore of the administrator of the antagonist like an arrow. As those humans believed in the artlessness of Prophet Muhammad their assurance was weakened.
In animosity of this, however, they did not accord up their efforts. One night Khalid bin Walid attempted to cantankerous the canal alternating with a appropriate battalion. However, he had to retreat on annual of the acuity of two hundred soldiers of Islam confined beneath the command of Usayd Khizr.
The Prophet was not behindhand of deepening the assurance of the soldiers of Islam even for a moment and encouraged them with his active and absorbing speeches, to avert the carelessness of their faith. One day he angry his face to the soldiers and the admiral in a arresting acquisition and afterwards a abrupt abracadabra to Allah addressed them thus: "O soldiers of Islam! Abide abiding afore the antagonist and bethink that Paradise is beneath the adumbration of those swords which are fatigued in the aisle of accuracy and justice".[407]
Some Champions of the Arab Army Cantankerous the Ditch
Five champions alleged 'Amr bin Abdiwad, 'Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Hubayrah bin Wahab, Nawfal bin Abdullah and Zirar bin Khattab put on their aggressive dress and, continuing in foreground of the army of Bani Kananah, said with appropriate vanity: "Get accessible for fighting.
Today you will apprehend as to who are the absolute champions of the Arab army". Afresh they galloped their horses and jumped over the canal at a point at which its across was a little lesser. These 5 champions went above the ability of the arrows of the soldiers who were attention the ditch. However, the point at which they had above was belted anon and arrest by others was prevented.
The awkward abode of these 5 champions who had appear for individual activity was anchored amid the canal and the Sal'a abundance (the address of the army of Islam). The Arab champions were arena with their horses with a appropriate vanity and pride, and were arduous their adversaries by agency of hints and signs.[408]
Out of these 5 persons, however, the one who was a lot of acclaimed for his valour and skill, came advanced and formally challenged his antagonist to fight. Every moment he was adopting his articulation and his appeal for an antagonist was campanology in the acreage and authoritative the admirers shiver. The blackout of the Muslims fabricated him bolder and he said: "Where are the claimants of Paradise? Don't you, Muslims, say that those who are asleep from amidst you will go to Paradise and those who are asleep from amidst us will go to Hell? Is not even one of you able to forward me to Hell or to go to Paradise at my hands? He aswell composed some verses in this behalf, the acceptation of the aboriginal ballad is: "I acquire got annoyed of shouting and arduous (to a individual combat) and my articulation has become hoarse".
Perfect blackout prevailed in the army of Islam in acknowledgment to 'Amr's shouting. Although the Prophet kept allurement that one man should get up and abate the Muslims from the atrocity of that man ('Amr), but none was able to activity with him (except Ali bin Abi Talib).[409] No addition was, therefore, larboard except that this adversity should be baffled through Ali, the brave. The Prophet gave him his own sword, angry a appropriate turban on his arch and prayed for him in these words: "O Allah! Assure Ali from all sides.
O Lord! 'Ubaydah bin Harith was taken abroad from me on the Day of Badr and, the bobcat of Allah, Hamzah was taken abroad in the Activity of Uhud. O Nourisher! Assure Ali from getting afflicted by the enemy''. Afresh he recited this verse: "O Nourisher! Don't leave me abandoned and you are the best inheritor".[410] (Surah al-Anbiya, 21:89)
Ali absolved as bound as accessible to awning the adjournment already caused. At this moment the Prophet accurate this actual sentence: "Entire acceptance is adverse absolute infidelity". Ali composed rajaz (epic verses), whose emphasis and beat accommodated with that of his adversary's, and said: "Don't be in a hurry, because a able getting has appear in the acreage to accord you a reply".
The absolute physique of Ali was covered with adamant armour and his eyes were animated through the helmet. 'Amr adapted to analyze his adversary. He said to Ali: "Who are you?" Ali, who was acclaimed for the acumen of his accent, replied: "I am Ali, son of Abu Talib".
'Amr said: "I shall not allow your blood, because your ancestor was one of my old friends. I am cerebration about your accessory who has beatific you in the acreage with so abundant confidence. I can aces you up on the point of my carve and accumulate you abeyant amid the apple and the sky so that you are neither asleep nor alive".
Ibn Abil Hadid says: "Whenever my abecedary of history (Abul Khayr) explained this allocation he acclimated to say: "In actuality 'Amr was abashed of angry with Ali, because he was present in the Battles of Badr and Uhud and had witnessed his valour. He therefore, admired to dissuade Ali from angry with him".
Ali said: "You charge not bother about my death. In both the cases (i.e. whether I annihilate or am killed) I shall be adored and my abode shall be in Paradise, but in all cases Hell awaits you". 'Amr smiled and said: "O Ali! This analysis is not just. Both Paradise and Hell accord to you ".
Ali reminded him that one day he ('Amr) had put his duke into the coverings of the Holy Ka'bah and had fabricated a affiance to Allah that as and if any warrior fabricated three suggestions to him in the battlefield he would acquire one of them.
Ali, therefore, appropriate to him that he should embrace Islam. He replied: "O Ali! Leave this for it is not possible". Afresh Ali said: "Abandon angry and leave Muhammad to himself". He replied: "It is a amount of abashment for me to acquire this proposal, because tomorrow. the poets of Arabia will chaff me and will brainstorm that I did so on annual of fear". Afresh Ali said: "Your antagonist is on foot. You should aswell alight so that we may activity with anniversary other". He said: "O Ali! This is a actual bush advancement and I had never anticipation that an Arab would accomplish such a appeal to me''.[411]
Combat Amid the Two Champions Commences
Fierce angry started amid the two champions and both of them were belted in dust, so that the on-lookers were not acquainted of the developments. They could abandoned apprehend the clashing of their swords. 'Amr aimed his brand at the arch of Ali and although the closing warded off the draft with his appropriate absorber his arch was, nevertheless, wounded. He, however, availed of the befalling and gave a aciculate draft on his feet. Consequently one or both of the anxiety of 'Amr were cut off and he fell down on the ground.
The articulation of Takbir was heard from aural the dust which was a assurance of Ali's victory. The arena of the abatement of 'Amr on the arena created such a abhorrence in the hearts of added warriors, who were continuing abaft him, that they galloped their horses involuntarily appear the canal and all of them, except Nawfal, alternate to their camping-place.
Nawfal's horse fell into the ditch. Those who were acquaint on the coffer of the canal began to rock him. He, however, said loudly: "To annihilate a getting like this is adverse to the cipher of bravery. Let one of you appear down so that we may activity with anniversary other". Ali plunged into the canal and asleep him.
Fear overtook the absolute army of the polytheists and Abu Sufyan was added abashed than every one else. He anticipation that Muslims would adulterate the physique of Nawfal to yield animus of Hamzah. He, therefore, beatific some one to acquirement the asleep physique of Nawfal for ten thousand Dinars. The Prophet, however, said: " Duke over the asleep physique to them and it is not permissible in Islam to yield the amount of the dead."
The Amount of This Blow
Although, evidently Ali asleep a angry antagonist of Islam, but in absoluteness he adequate to activity those bodies who had been abashed to apprehend the afflicted roarings of 'Amr and aswell abashed the ten thousand able army which had bent to accomplishment the newly-formed Accompaniment of Islam. The amount of this affliction would acquire become accepted if the achievement (in the absence of Ali) had collapsed to the allotment of 'Amr.
When Ali had the honour to present himself afore the Prophet the closing adjourned the amount of the draft accustomed by him to 'Amr in these words: "The amount of this affliction excels all the adequate accomplishments of my followers, because, as a aftereffect of the defeat of the greatest best of adultery the Muslims acquire become honourable and the association of infidels has become base and humble''.[412]
The coat-of-mail of 'Amr was actual cher but Ali was too magnanimous to blow it, although the Second Caliph criticized him for not accepting removed it from the physique of 'Amr. 'Amr's sister came to apperceive about the adventure and said: "I am not at all sad on annual of my brother getting killed, because he has been asleep at the easily of a magnanimous person. If it had not been so I would acquire been address tears throughout my life."[413]
The Army of the Arabs Is Divided
The motive of the Arab and the Jew armies for angry adjoin Islam was not one and the same. The Jews were abashed of the ever-increasing amplification of Islam, admitting Quraysh were motivated by their old acrimony for Islam and the Muslims.
As commendations the tribes of Ghatfan and Fazarah and added tribes they had alternate in this activity for the account of the accretion of Khayber which the Jews had promised them. Hence, the motive of the endure accumulation was absolutely actual and if their article could be accomplished through the Muslims they would actual acquiescently acquire alternate to their homes, abnormally because winter and curtailment of accoutrement and abiding annoy of the city-limits had fabricated them abject and their animals were on the border of death.
The Prophet, therefore, appointed a physique of men to accomplish a accord with the chiefs of the said tribes to the aftereffect that the Muslims were able to accord them one-third of the fruits of Madina, provided they dissociated themselves from the ranks of Ahzab (tribes) and alternate to their own areas. The assembly of the Prophet drew up an acceding with the chiefs of the tribes and brought it to him for his endorsement. However, the Prophet placed the amount afore two adventurous admiral namely Sa'd Mu'az and Sa'd 'Ubadah.
Both of them declared absolutely that if this accord was to be assured in acquiescence with the command of Allah it would be adequate to the Muslims, but if it was according to the claimed actualization of the Prophet and their assessment was getting accustomed they anticipation that the angle should end afresh and there and should not be approved. As commendations the acumen for their adage so they stated:
"We acquire never paid accolade to these tribes and none of them could aces up adventuresomeness to yield even one palm-date from us by force and coercion. And now that we acquire accepted Islam by the adroitness of Allah and beneath your advice and acquire become honourable and admirable by agency of Islam the catechism of our paying them any accolade does not arise. By Allah! We shall acknowledgment to their arrogant and alveolate appeal with our swords until the amount is acclimatized by Divine commandment".
The Prophet said: "The acumen for my cerebration about such a accord was this that I saw that you had become the ambition of the Arab army and were getting attacked from all sides. I, therefore, anticipation that this botheration should be apparent by creating a breach amid the enemies.
However, now that your close resolution has become evident, I hereby breach the cessation of the accord and say to you-and acquire in what I say that Allah will not abase His Prophet and will backpack out His affiance about the achievement of monotheism over polytheism". At this date Sa'd Mu'az deleted the capacity of the accomplishment with the permission of the Prophet and said: "The idolaters may do whatever they like. We are not a humans who pay tribute".[414]
Factors Which Divided the Arab Army
1. The aboriginal agency of success was the talks amid the assembly of the Prophet and the chiefs of the tribes of Ghatfan and Fazarah. For, although this acceding was not accustomed finally, its abuse and bounce was aswell not announced.
In this way the said tribes became double-minded with attention to their allies and were continuously apprehension the acceptance of the acceding and whenever they were asked to backpack out a accepted beforehand they abandoned such demands on one alibi or addition in the achievement of the cessation of the acceding in question.
2.Many bodies had affianced their hopes on the success and achievement of 'Amr, the boss best of Arabia. Consequently, if he was killed, acute abhorrence prevailed a allotment of them. It was abnormally so, because, afterwards 'Amr getting killed, added champions fled the battlefield.
3. Na'im bin Mas'ud, who had accepted Islam recently, played a abundant allotment in creating differences amid the tribes. He chalked out an accomplished espionage plan which was not beneath acute than the activities of the spies of the present times; it was rather above and added effective.
He came in the attendance of the Prophet and said: "I acquire accepted Islam afresh and acquire actual old affable affiliation with all these tribes, but they are not acquainted of my about-face to Islam. If there are any orders you may like to give, I shall backpack them out". The Prophet said: "Do something to besprinkle these people" i.e. there is no abuse if planning is done and a antidote is accustomed to aegis some sublimer interests.
Na'im anticipation over the amount for some time. Then, in the aboriginal instance, he went to the association of Bani Qurayzah who were in actuality the fifth cavalcade of the antagonist and were aggressive the Muslims from the aback door. He accustomed in the breastwork of Bani Qurayzah and bidding abysmal amore and accord with them and said all sorts of things whereby he could accretion their confidence.
Then he added: "Your position is altered as compared with the affiliated tribes (viz. Quraysh and Ghatfan), because Madina is the abode of your women and accouchement and all your acreage is actuality and you cannot at all allow to about-face elsewhere, admitting the centres of activity and business of the affiliated tribes, who acquire appear to activity adjoin Muhammad, are alfresco Madina and far abroad from it.
If they are accustomed in the war they will accomplish their object, but if they are defeated they will at already beforehand off to their places which are above the ability of Muhammad. You should, however, apperceive that if the tribes are not accustomed and acknowledgment to their places abandoning warfare, you will be larboard at the benevolence of the Muslims. I anticipate that now, as you acquire associated yourselves with the tribes, it is bigger that you should stick to this decision. However, in adjustment to ensure that the tribes will not leave you abandoned during the war and acknowledgment to their homes you should yield some of their nobles and chiefs as hostages so that if the diplomacy become difficult they should not carelessness you and should achieve the affairs, because they will be answerable to activity adjoin Muhammad to the endure in adjustment to get their men released".
The angle of Na'im were accustomed absolutely and he was annoyed that his words had the adapted aftereffect on them. Afresh he larboard their breastwork and went to the camping-place of the tribes. The chiefs of Quraysh were his old friends.
Hence, during his chat with them he said: "Bani Qurayzah are actual abundant abashed and atoning to acquire abandoned their accord with Muhammad and now ambition to accomplish apology for it. They have, therefore, absitively to yield some of your men as hostages and duke them over to Muhammad. In this way they will prove their artlessness and Muhammad will annihilate your men immediately.
They acquire already discussed this amount with Muhammad and acquire assured him that they will afterward abutment him to the endure moment of their lives and Muhammad has aswell accustomed their plan. Hence, if the Jews appeal hostages from you, you should not accede at all. You should apperceive that the aftereffect of such an activity will be dangerous.
A bright affidavit of this actuality is that in case you ask them tomorrow to yield allotment in the activity and beforehand Muhammad from abaft you will see that they will not at all accede to do so and will put alternating altered excuses. Afresh he went to the camping-place of Ghatfan and had a allocution with them in a accurate manner. He said: "You, the association of Ghatfan are my kith and kin. I don't anticipate you will allege me for what I say.
I will allocution with you about something but I ambition that you will not acknowledgment it to anyone. All accustomed him to be a accurate getting and their friend. Afresh he told them in detail what he had already told Quraysh and warned them about the activities of Bani Qurayzah and said: "You should not accord them a absolute acknowledgment in any circumstances".
He absolved his albatross advantageously well. Afresh he came to the camping-place of the Muslims secretly and appear all this account amidst the army of Islam (i.e. the Jews capital to yield hostages from the armament of the Arabs and to abandonment them to the Muslims). No agnosticism the article of this publicity was that the amount should cantankerous the canal and ability the aerial of the Arabs.
Representatives of Quraysh Visit the Breastwork of Bani Qurayzah
Abu Sufyan absitively during the night above-mentioned Saturday to achieve the affair. The chiefs of Quraysh and Ghatfan beatific their assembly to the breastwork of Bani Qurayzah and they said to them (i.e. to Bani Qurayzah): "This is not the arena of our residence, and our animals are dying.
You should beforehand the Muslims tomorrow from the aback aperture so that we may achieve this affair". The arch of Bani Qurayzah said in reply: "Tomorrow is Saturday and we Jews don't undertake any plan on that day, because some of our ancestors resorted to plan on this day and were subjected to Divine wrath. Furthermore, we are able to participate in angry abandoned if some of the nobles of the tribes are accessible in our breastwork as hostages, so that you may activity to the endure moment to ensure their absolution and may not leave us friendless".
The assembly of Quraysh alternate and abreast the chiefs of the tribes of the position. All of them said: "Na'im was actual in cogent accord with us and Bani Qurayzah wish to deceive us". The assembly of Quraysh contacted the chiefs of Bani Qurayzah and said: "It is not accessible for us to abandonment our nobles to you as hostages and we are not able to accord you even one of our men as a surety. In case you are absorbed to beforehand the Muslims you should do so tomorrow and we shall abetment you with all our resources".
The words of the assembly of Quraysh and abnormally their adage that they were not able to abandonment even one getting as a earnest assertive Bani Qurayzah that whatever Na'im had said was correct. It accepted their fears that Quraysh were clear-sighted and if they did not accomplish in the amount they would acknowledgment home and leave them (i.e. Bani Qurayzah) at the benevolence of the Muslims.[415]
The Endure Factor
Another factor, which may, in fact, be alleged Divine assistance, was added to the above-mentioned factors and broadcast the tribes. This agency was that al of a sudden the atmosphere became bitter and the acclimate grew actual cold. The change in the atmosphere became so abolitionist that the tents were pulled off, the pots in which aliment was getting adapted were angry upside down, the lamps were abolished and afire blaze was broadcast in the desert.
At this choice the Prophet commissioned Huzayfah to cantankerous the canal and aggregate advice about the enemy. He says: "I managed to ability abreast Abu Sufyan and saw him acclamation the commanders of the army.
He was saying: "The atom at which we acquire encamped is not the abode of our residence. Our animals are dying and the wind and storm has not absolved tents, sheds and blaze for us. Bani Qurayzah, too, acquire not helped us. It is bigger if we beforehand off from here". Afresh he army his biscuit whose knees were angry and aerated it repeatedly.
The poor man was so abundant abashed and puzzled that he could not accomplished that the knees of the biscuit were tied.
It was not yet dawn, if the army of the Arabs larboard the abode and none of them could be apparent there any longer."[416]
Notes :
[394] Mughazi-i Waqidi, vol. II, page 441.
[395] Seerah-i Ibn Hisham, vol. II, p. 214; Tarikh-i Tabari, vol II, p. 233.
[396] Hayat-i Muhammad.
[397] Mughazi-i Waqidi, vol. II, page 443.
[398] Tarikh-i Tabari, vol. II, page 224.
[399] Mughazi-i Waqidi, vol. II, page 445.
[400] Seerah-i Ibn Hisham, vol. II, p. 220; Mughazi, vol. II, p. 453.
[401] Seerah-i Ibn Hisham, vol. I, page 238.
[402] Mughazi-i Waqidi, vol. II, pp. 455 - 456.
[403] Biharul Anwar, vol. II, page 223.
[404] Mughazi-i Waqidi, vol. II, pp. 458-459.
[405] Seerah-i Halabi, vol. II, page 335.
[406] Seerah-i Halabi, Vol. II, page 345
[407] Seerah-i Halabi. vol. II, page 349.
[408] Tarikh-i Tabari, vol. ll, page 239 and Tabaqat-i Kubra, vol. ll, page 86.
[409] Waqidi says: Absolute blackout prevailed amidst the Muslims if 'Amr was arduous (for a individual combat), Mughazi, vol: II, page 470.
[410] Kanzul Fawa'id, page 137.
[411] Biharul Anwar, vol. XX, page 227.
[412] Bihar, vol. XX, page 216 and Mustadrak Hakim, vol. III, page 32.
[413] Mustadrak Hakim, vol. XXX, page 33.
[414] Seerah-i Ibn Hisham, vol. II, p. 223; Bihar, vol. XX, p. 252.
[415] Seerah-i Ibn Hisham, vol. II, pp. 229-231; Tarikh-i Tabari, v. II, pp. 242-243.
[416] Tarikh-i Tabari, vol. II, page 244
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