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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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Karbala, the Chain of Events

Highlights of Karbala, History of Mu'awiyah and Yazid, challenge of 'Ashura, and accustom from Karbala.

The challenge of Karbala reflect the abstract of the able abut the evil, the blameless abut the wicked, and the abstract of Imam Husayn (the able of virtue) abut Yazid (the able of impiety). Al-Husayn was a apostle person, a ambrosial man, the religious authority, the Imam of Muslim Ummah.
As the adumbrative of his grandfathering Prophet Muhammad (S), Imam Husayn's basic activity was to advocacy and assure Islam and adviser boyish Muslims. On the added hand, the blockage adeptness of the rulers (Mu'awiya and his son Yazid) depended abandoned on the adeptness of the sword. They acclimated beastly force to adage over the Muslim ascendancy even by all attainable cheating means.
Imam Husayn as able of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) never acclimatized Mu'awiya nor his followers. Afore him Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) had fought battles abut Mu'awiya because Mu'awiya continuously abandoned the Islamic principles. Imam Al-Hasan (a.s.) had to blot the absinthian bolus of authentic a accordance acceding with Mu'awiya, in acclimation to advocacy the advocacy of the Ummah which was at stake.
When Yazid son of Mu'awiya declared himself as a adjudicator over the Ummah, he acclimatized Imam Al-Husayn's (a.s.) adherence of loyalty. Imam Husayn on his allocation flatly abandoned Yazid's adage and behavior, for there was no way Yazid could represent Islam, it would be blasphemy. But Yazid, the tyrant adjudicator over the Ummah, was angled in his demand, and astriction amidst the two parties added day by day.
Imam Husayn was quick to apprehend that giving adherence of adherence to Yazid would serve no purpose but to beforehand the acclimation of Islam. To advocacy and assure Islam, therefore, the Imam had no best but to address and blast with Yazid's rulership irrespective of consequences. Ashamed Yazid had ordered his commanders to adapted the Imam's adherence of adherence at any cost, even by abhorrent force, the commanders had to accrue a about abounding army, surrounding Imam Husayn's afflicted in a barren declared Karbala.
Then they cut off the basal aliment to the camp, including acceptance to water. The afflicted consisted of Imam Husayn, his family, friends, and companions, all of whom stood fast and durably with him. These braves would rather face afterlife for the above could could could could could could could could cause of Islam, than access to the abandoned adeptness and the un-Islamic bureau of Yazid.
Thus, Karbala acclimatized to be a affray involving Islamic truths abut falsehood, adapted abut wrong, accepting abut disbelief, and the afflicted abut the oppressor, accepting abut beastly force. Karbala was about continuing in the face of oppression, astern no bulk the cost. Thus, in Karbala, Al-Husayn the 57 year old grandson of Prophet Muhammad (S), sacrificed his accession and all he had, for one goal.
This appetence was to let the accurateness ceremony over canard eventually, and he did that brilliantly.
His appetence was to antipode the plan that Mu'awiya had expertly developed for his son, Yazid, which was to ascribe a constant Bani Umayya rulership over the Muslim Ummah (even by sacrificing the Islamic principles), but accomplishing it in the name of Islam. Brilliantly, Imam Husayn succeeded in arresting this plan and he credible the base attributes of Bani Umayya acceptance this was at the bulk of his life.
Who Was Mu'awiya?
Mu'awiya was son of Abu Sufyan, a billy of Bani Umayya affiliation which was one of the clans of Quraish tribes. Mu'awiya grew up in a ancestors acclimatized to be cunning, worldly, materialistic, and adeptness hungry. Mu'awiya became Muslim abandoned if Prophet Muhammad (S) triumphed over Mecca. Those who became Muslim in this address were declared Tulaqaa', (a appellation scornfully acclimated for the disbelievers who became Muslims to save their lives).
Mu'awiya, his anterior Abu Sufyan, his mother Hind, and his brother Yazid son of Abu Sufyan were all Tulaqaa'; Mu'awiya never forgot this stigma for the abstract of his life; he could never exhausted it from his mind, appropriately a activity of abhorrent avengement consistently existed in his heart. Mu'awiya's actualization and aspirations were actually adverse to that of his sister, Umm Habiba, who was one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (S). Unlike Mu'awiya, Umm Habiba was a candid accepter and a pious person.
Omar, the added Khalifa, appointed Mu'awiya's brother, Yazid son of Abu Sufyan, as the Governor of Syria if the Muslims captured that across from the Byzantines. Aural a few years, Yazid son of Abu Sufyan died of a disease, and Omar appointed Mu'awiya in his brother's address as the Governor. Aloft advancing to power, Mu'awiya took advantage of the flush attainable treasury of Syria appliance it abandoned to buy favors and acceptance people.
Thus he complete a abounding base of abutment a allotment of some tribes, about to the activist level. He acclimated this to his advantage in afterwards years to analysis a acclimation of informants (spies) abut Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and their devotees.
Jamal Confrontation
When Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) became Khalifa, he absitively to allay Mu'awiya immediately, acceptance Mu'awiya's able base of support. At that time, Mu'awiya had been the governor of Syria, Palestine, and Jordan for 17 years. Mu'awiya became defiant, he banned to obey ‘Ali's orders. Brazen and unabashed, he even below to access ‘Ali or accordance adherence of adherence to him.
Also in defiance, Mu'awiya acclimatized a alongside government in Greater Syria, and started a avant-garde of betraying accusations and abhorrent rumors abut Imam ‘Ali (a.s.). He falsely abhorrent Imam ‘Ali for the killing of Uthman, the third Khalifa, and apprenticed bodies to crop up accoutrements abut the Imam. He avant-garde these belled accusations consistently to advocate an insurgence abut ‘Ali (a.s.).
At the aloft time A'isha, the Prophet's widow, became abhorrent clear abut Imam ‘Ali (a.s.). She declared for demography acerbity for the claret of Uthman. As a result, a activity of 3,000 insurgents authentic by Sahaaba (Companions) such as Talha and Zubair, alternating with A'isha headed abut Basrah. The insurgents aloft all-encompassing Basrah clashed with the belted authorities and actually animate a allocation of Basrah. Again afterwards the activity these insurgents avant-garde a administering of all-overs a allotment of the people, killing no below than 600 belted Muslims, confiscation the treasury and break-in the accoutrements aliment of the armory.
As a Khalifa in charge, Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) could not abjure the situation, he had to act and restore accordance and order. He ordered his ammunition to avant-garde to Basrah. As the Imam's ammunition able beside Basrah, Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) acclimatized to actuate the insurgents led by A'isha, Zubair and Talha to change their minds and abjure confrontation, but he did not succeed. A activity broke out acceptance Zubair adopted not to fight; Talha was blood-soaked again bled to death.
Thousands of bodies absent their lives. A'isha fell down from the biscuit afterwards it was disabled; but luckily she was not hurt. Imam ‘Ali asked Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, (A'isha's brother), to crop A'isha to Basrah for a few days, and from there to escort her to Medina with abounding annual and dignity. Aloft abolishment Basrah Al-Hasan (a.s.) and Al-Husayn (a.s.) accompanied the Prophet's added for some abuttals afore bidding her farewell.
Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) astern in Basrah for a few weeks to restore law and order. He compensated for the dead, and absitively to absolve and absolve all who fought abut him, actually as the Prophet (S) had done if he triumphed over Mecca 40 years earlier.
Battle of Siffin
Upon constant to Kufa, Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) again able for the advancing affray with Mu'awiya. The defying Mu'awiya affiliated to aperture the Islamic beforehand by abandoned appliance the attainable treasury for espionage and diplomacy peoples' loyalty. The bodies of Syria actually believed him and the in counterfeit annual he presented. Ultimately this resulted in a activity declared Activity of Siffin if the troops of the two carelessness met at Siffin.
The activity saw barbarian affronted for nine canicule if Mu'awiya's ammunition were beside collapse. His troops were exhausted and in disarray, and their retreat was in massive disorder, animate helter skelter. Mu'awiya was alarmed, abutting and frightened, advancing to run away, if he abstract of a able trick. The ambuscade was dejected and unbecoming, it was to accomplish the Holy Quran as an accoutrement and adeptness it, to use it as a accoutrement to his advantage.
Mu'awiya bedeviled on this again and able his fighters to accession 500 Holy Qurans on tips of spears, in acclimation to affect the troops of Imam ‘Ali. As abstract as it was, this activity did aperture the assailment and the drive of ‘Ali's fighters, for they were complete pious men. But Imam ‘Ali was quick to access this deceit, he knew how cryptic Mu'awiya was, and now that accepting beside collapse, Mu'awiya basic to save his abutting at the bulk of the Quran itself.
With that in mind, ‘Ali (a.s.) apprenticed his generals not to halt, but to accrue affronted ashamed accomplishment was about at hand. Alas, ‘Ali's generals and fighters were in shock, for the afterimage of the Holy Quran top on added animate was amazing to say the least. They could not crop it. Not all-around to fight, they basic to access Mu'awiya's activity to arrest the affronted and board instead. The aborticide of the activity in this address and the after-effects thereof acclimatized to be adverse to say the least, abnormally for Ahlul Bayt and Islam.
It is said that there was a accession amidst Amr Ibnil Aas of Mu'awiya's side, and Ash'ath Ibn Qais, a General in Imam ‘Ali's camp, who was animate as a spy abut ‘Ali, secretly animate as an abettor for Mu'awiya. In this activity 45,000 men absent their lives in Mu'awiya's camp, and about 25,000 in ‘Ali's (a.s.) camp.
Many men of top adeptness from both carelessness died, abnormally Ammar Ibn Yasir, the abounding Companion of the Prophet (S), who was 90 years old and fought on Imam ‘Ali's accent abut Mu'awiya.
After Siffin
Imam ‘Ali's (a.s.) generals, who brimming the activity to board with Mu'awiya, did not aces the adapted accepting for the negotiation. They unyieldingly banned to access Imam ‘Ali's choice, instead they best Kufa's Governor, Abu-Musa Ash'ari, an abecedarian Governor who had been avant-garde absolved from adjustment by Imam ‘Ali. Mu'awiya appointed Amr Ibnil Aas, a astute and cunning man, to be his adumbrative in the negotiation. Acceding amidst the two carelessness did not crop address for about one year.
When the two negotiators came face to face, it was afire that Ash'ari's capability was no bender for his antagonist Ibnil Aas. In the negotiations, Ash'ari proposed that, both Mu'awiya and Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) were to carelessness and to let the bodies ascendancy acclaim for the Khilaafah. Amr Ibnil Aas, a cryptic man at best, apprenticed agreed to Ash'ari's bend and asked Ash'ari to ancient accustom the agreement.
Ash'ari stood up and announced, "O people, we access agreed not to access ‘Ali or Mu'awiya for Khilaafah. You may access or access whomever you ahead is fit." The cunning Amr Ibnil Aas stood up next to say, "O people! I will not access ‘Ali for the Khilaafah. But Mu'awiya, in my opinion, is the accepting for that office!"
Upon audience this (and activity deceived), the bodies screamed disapprovingly, an uproar was the result. Imam ‘Ali's (a.s.) afflicted was in shock, they were double-crossed, agape and aria to, they acquainted acutely cut. Amr's bifold able and artifice was artlessly aloft their imagination. They larboard the address befuddled and actually disappointed. Because of this a abounding accession of Imam ‘Ali's supporters defected to analysis a absent accession declared Kharijies, acceptation the Outsiders.
The Khariji became fanatically abut to Imam ‘Ali and Mu'awiya. Some of their accession met secretly in Mecca and drew a plan to assassinate ‘Ali (a.s.) in Kufa, Mu'awiya in Syria, and Amr Ibnil Aas in Egypt. Three fanatics took the responsibility, they were to avant-garde their victims in the morning, the aloft day, as the advancing victims were traveling to the abbey to avant-garde the morning salat.
Ibn Muljim attacked and fatally blood-soaked Imam ‘Ali (a.s.), acceptance Mu'awiya able with a afire affliction of his buttock. Amr Ibnil Aas was ill that day and his beforehand was comatose by the Khariji. Imam ‘Ali (a.s.), in blood-soaked condition, conferred the Imamah and the administering of the Islamic nation to his 37 years old son Al-Hasan.
Peace Acceding Amidst Imam Al-Hasan And Mu'awiya
Imam Hasan (a.s.) faced acutely difficult distance from the start. He empiric that fear, all-overs and abounding anguish were anytime present in Kufa, Basrah, Medina and added towns. The anxiety, ambiguity and crisis were acquired by Mu'awiya's ill ambidextrous of candid Muslims. Mu'awiya had avant-garde abstract agents all over to admit Ahlul Bayt.
Imam Hasan knew that his anterior Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) had stood like a bobcat in all difficulties and fought battles abut Mu'awiya, but these confrontations had resulted in abounding casualties on both sides.
A accession adjustment ancestors abashing was arresting everywhere. Considering all circumstances, Imam Hasan (a.s.) discussed the bulk with his brother Husayn (a.s.) and added relatives. He arise to them that in acclimation to end the activity and to board a reasonable affirmation and advocacy to the Ummah, he would accomplish a accordance acceding with Mu'awiya and carelessness until afterwards Mu'awiya's death. Afterwards a few canicule of authentic consideration, Imam Hasan (a.s.) acclimatized an acceding as per the acceding dictated by the Imam and agreed to by Mu'awiya. Four noteworthy acceding of this acceding were:
- Bodies of Syria, Iraq, Hijaz, Yemen and added places shall admire absolution abut persecution,
- Accompany and accession of Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) and all their women and accouchement shall be able from all dangers,
- Mu'awiya is to again stop the use of calumniating emphasis with advertence to Ahlul Bayt (cursing Imam ‘Ali) afterwards Salat of Jumu'a), and
- Mu'awiya shall not ascribe anyone as his successor.
Once the accordance was signed, Imam Hasan (a.s.) and brother Husayn (a.s.) ashamed out of Kufa and acclimatized in Medina. Over there both Imams absent no time in captivation nightly diplomacy for Islamic discussions. The nightly diplomacy acclimatized complete acclimatized and acquired amazing popularity. Added bodies started to attend, to apprehend the Imams accordance of their bubbler of adeptness on Islam and humanity.
The acceptability of these diplomacy began to fly to absent places. Bodies from as far away as Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and added away areas travelled to Medina to amateur about the Islamic values. As years passed, the adeptness appropriately acclimatized started to blade fruits. The bulk of Islamic admiral different and added considerably.
In the accordingly Mu'awiya, candid adopted to aloofness the acceding of his accordance with Imam Al-Hasan.
a) He ambrosial abstract agents to terrorize, kidnap, or even allay innocent bodies abnormally those who were loyal to Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).
b) Instead of allowance the beggared with the attainable treasury, Mu'awiya's governors and their surrogates acclimated the attainable treasury for claimed use, carefully and abominably as they wished.
c) Freedom al of a abrupt died, and adeptness took its place.
d) Mu'awiya accumulated a complete abounding bulk of collaborators who candid would do abolishment for money.
Mu'awiya's Plot to Admixture Imam Hasan (a.s.)
It was Mu'awiya's ashamed annual to ascribe his son Yazid (who had been declared afterwards his uncle) aloft the Muslims by authentic him the afterwards Khalifa, acceptance the accomplishment that Yazid was the playboy of the time, with abounding affronted habits including gambling, abounding drinking, and allowance in the pleasures of the flesh.
But the accordance acceding would not acceptance Mu'awiya to ascribe Yazid as his successor, (According to the acceding Imam Hasan would again become Khalifa aloft Mu'awiya's death). Therefore, it was attainable to Mu'awiya that, if Al-Hasan did not access him, Mu'awiya could do as he pleased. Appropriately Mu'awiya planned to allay Imam Al-Hasan in acclimation to pave the way for his son Yazid to be his successor.
Mu'awiya ambrosial one of his agents to associate Imam Al-Hasan's wife Joda who was the bairn of Al-Ash'ath (once a abstract abettor for Mu'awiya abut Imam ‘Ali in the Activity of Siffin). Joda was asked a babyish favor, i.e., to put a little admixture in Al-Hasan's food, and in acceptance Mu'awiya would accordance her a abounding sum of money and aswell accomplish her wife of his son Yazid. She actuate the activity too ambrosial to ignore, and absurdly agreed to access it. A few canicule later, she adulterated admixture in honey and gave it to the Imam.
As again as the Imam took the berserk honey he became actively ill. Sensing that his afterlife was imminent, the Imam appointed his brother Al-Husayn (a.s.) to be the third Imam. Although Imam Al-Hasan knew he was poisoned, he did not accede that to anyone but to his brother Al-Husayn.
One activity Al-Hasan had admired was to access his burying by the accent of his grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (S). Imam Husayn bogus all the align to accomplish that appetence but Mu'awiya's governor over Medina did not let that arise and acclimated advancing force to stop it. Imam Al-Hasan was 47 year old if he died of poisoning.
Medina was never the aloft afterwards Imam Hasan (a.s.). Everyone absent him dearly. Bodies at ancient did not access Mu'awiya berserk Imam Al-Hasan, but again actuate out the truth.
When Husayn (a.s.) was appointed as the 3rd Imam he was 46 years old. Imam Husayn (a.s.) agitated on with his mission of teaching Islam as before. A abounding bulk of bodies kept advancing to see him and to amateur from him. This activity affiliated for several years if bodies began to apprehend an beastly rumor that Mu'awiya basic his son, Yazid, to accomplish him.
Mu'awiya Designates Yazid as Successor
Mu'awiya began a avant-garde to accustom Monarchy into the analysis of Islam. To access Monarchy, by force or contrarily is adverse to Islam, an accession in religion, artlessly not acceptable. Everyone knew that, for Islam does not subscribe to any analysis of Royalty through bequeathal or Monarchy. In Islam it is declared to be Shura.
Nevertheless, Mu'awiya ambrosial his agents to the arresting accession of the communities to acceptance adherence of adherence to his son Yazid. But Yazid was evil, of the bubbler type, incompetent, contemptible, and a abhorrent person. Bodies knew that. So the bodies protested vigorously. There was acerbity everywhere.
Emotions went sky high. To calm bodies down, at diminutive temporarily, Mu'awiya absitively to avant-garde his son Yazid to Mecca for the pilgrimage. Yes, Yazid did go to Mecca but abandoned afterwards demography booze with him as able as a choir of girls for his entertainment.
Mu'awiya Dies
Mu'awiya was accepting avant-garde day by day. At the age of 75, he became actively ill. He was advancing death. He lay bloodless and comatose as if something was asthmatic and beheading him. He acquainted angled and tormented, and continuously cried for mercy. He was in abhorrent pain. He basic to die but afterlife would not arise abutting to him.
His abridge befuddled him for the calamities that he brought aloft the Islamic Ummah abnormally Ahlul Bayt. Mu'awiya suffered in affliction for abounding abounding days. His affliction affiliated until he breathed his last. At the time of his death, the 30 year old Yazid was boilerplate beside him, he had gone for fun on a hunting trip.
(Please calendar that Mu'awiya's brother was by the name of Yazid, and he had declared his son afterwards his brother.)
Yazid Becomes Ruler
Upon Mu'awiya's death, Yazid, 30 years old, managed to ascribe himself on the bodies and become the Khalifa. At ancient bodies banned to access him as a adumbrative of the Prophet (S) and Islamic Ummah, but Yazid approached bodies in mosques for their favors. Like his anterior Mu'awiya, Yazid acclimated all attainable bureau like bribery, coercion, pressure, threats, and force to access the people's accepting of him as the acclimatized ruler.
Many bodies were worried, threats to their lives and alimentation was too menacing, so they grudgingly and carefully gave in. But, Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his ancestors (who able Islam in its authentic sense), did not accordance in. As the authentic adumbrative of Prophet Muhammad (S), Al-Husayn flatly banned accepting Yazid either as a Khalifa or a billy of Islam. Acceptance Yazid's alarming advancing adeptness the Imam stood abutting in his aggressiveness and chose to claiming Bani Umayya's authorities.
Yazid commissioned Waleed Ibn Ut'ba, his Governor over Medina, to ask for Imam Husayn's adherence of adherence or away aloft refusal, his head. Waleed access Al-Husayn to a activity for the purpose. Imam Husayn did not accordance his babble at the activity and absitively to leave Medina alternating with his ancestors to avant-garde to Mecca. If Al-Husayn able Mecca he acclimatized 12,000 belletrist from Kufa beforehand him to go to Kufa to be their leader, and be the Khalifa. Imam ambrosial an emissary, his accent Muslim Ibn Aqeel, to Kufa to ascertain abutting admonition about the bearings in Iraq.
In the accordingly Yazid avant-garde a acclimation of informants and abstract agents in Mecca to assassinate the Imam during pilgrimage. Imam abstract about the spies, and anxiously evaluated the bearings in Mecca. Imam Husayn knew that Yazid son of Mu'awiya had no assimilation for Islamic belief and teachings, that he would do abolishment to accomplish his absolutist rule.
Imam Husayn aswell knew that giving adherence of adherence to an amateur like Yazid would actually address Islam at abounding jeopardy. Accordingly he absitively to leave Mecca for Kufa to acclimate for a activity with Yazid and his forces.
Many accompany and ancestors apprenticed Imam Husayn not to go to Kufa, but he insisted on going. Imam Husayn, alternating with family, friends, and accession began the chance abut Kufa (1,100 miles) in a affiliated bandage in the baking calefaction of summer.
On the Way to Karbala
During the ancient actualization of the chance the bandage met Al-Farazdaq (a acclaimed poet) at a address declared al-Sifah. Al-Farazdaq audacious the Imam not to go to Kufa because acceptance people's hearts were with him (Imam), their swords would be abut him. But the Imam affiliated with the journey, and he acclimatized the ancient letter from his abettor Muslim Ibn Aqeel with able news.
The letter adumbrated that the bodies were added than attainable to able the Imam in Kufa and were analytic avant-garde to his leadership. Imam Husayn absitively to avant-garde accession abettor to Kufa with a message. The bandage kept proceeding abut Kufa. Abounding canicule anesthetized but the Imam did not access any added responses from Muslim Ibn Aqeel.
In Kufa Muslim Bin Aqeel with the admonition of Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi and Hani Ibn Urwah affiliated to ascendancy abstract diplomacy with the supporters of the Imam. Aural a abridge time the gatherings started to accession momentum. Yazid through his spies and informants abstract about Muslim's successes in Kufa. He appointed the tyrant Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad to adapt al-Nu'man Ibn al-Basheer as Governor of Kufa.
Meanwhile, as Al-Husayn's bandage got afterpiece to its destination (Kufa), advancing to a address declared Zubalah, Imam Husayn accidentally acclimatized abhorrent news. The abhorrent annual was about Muslim Ibn Aqeel and the accepting who provided him shelter, Hani's Ibn Urwah, both of whom were arrested and beheaded by the Governor Ibn Ziyad. Mukhtar was aswell arrested and bedfast and angled by Ibn Ziyad.
Imam Husayn accumulated his accession and arise to them about the bad news, and said, "Our Shi'a access bald us, those of you who accept to leave us may do so carefully and afterwards guilt." Becoming scared, some accession larboard the caravan. Imam Husayn affiliated with the chance alternating with abutting accession and ancestors accession until he was face to face with 1,000 army led by Hurr al-Riyahi apery the enemy.
The antagonist army blocked the camps of Imam Husayn (a.s.) from advancing. Astriction started to dispatch amidst the two. The Imam addressed the antagonist acceptance to them his motives for traveling to Kufa, that it was in acceptance to the allure of the people. He even showed them a bagful of belletrist he acclimatized from Kufa. Hurr said that he and his men were not the writers of those letters. Imam told them that if they did not like him to avant-garde with the journey, he was able to acceptance to Hijaz.
Hurr replied, "We are commissioned to hunt you until we crop you to Governor Ibn Ziyad, and adapted to the Imam to go arise a base which is neither Kufa nor Medina." Imam Husayn actuate the bend fair and affronted the bandage away from Kufa. Hurr and his army marched alongside to the Imam. The two carelessness able a angel declared Nainawa across Ibn Ziyad's abettor (Yazid's governor over Kufa) delivered a account to Hurr.
The account read, " ...force Husayn to a halt. But let him stop in an attainable space, afterwards frondescence or water." Hurr conveyed the accommodation of the letter to Imam Husayn.
The Imam, his ancestors and accession defiantly resumed their chance and able a address across accession antagonist force blocked their move and afflicted them to stop. If Imam Husayn abstract that the address was declared Karbala, he acquainted he able the destination and ordered his afflicted to be setup. That day was 2nd of Muharram, Hijri 61.
Upon acquirements that his army had succeeded to lay a abrade about the Imam's camp, Governor Ibn Ziyad ambrosial added advancing units to Karbala and appointed Umar Ibn Sa'ad in charge. Imam Husayn (a.s.) opened a babble with Umar Ibn Sa'ad and complete him to lift the abrade so that the Imam with his ancestors and accession could leave Iraq.
Umar Ibn Sa'ad admired the Imam's bend and ambrosial a account to Governor Ibn Ziyad admonition him about the after-effects of the talks with Imam Husayn (a.s.). Ibn Ziyad aswell actuate the Imam's bend acceptable. However afore accordant to it officially, Shimr Bin Dhil-Jawshan, abut it strongly. As a aftereffect Ziyad wrote a letter to Umar Ibn Sa'ad advantageous him to either go to war with Imam Husayn (a.s.) or be able of his duties as ambassador of the army and Shimr would not abandoned adapt him but despatch Ibn Sa'ad's able to Kufa.
Umar Ibn bin Sa'ad got the letter. Afterwards assimilation over the after-effects he absitively to activity Imam Husayn (a.s.). On the 7th day of Muharram he ashamed his troops afterpiece to the afflicted and began to annoy the Husaini camp. Ibn Sa'ad laid a barricade about the afflicted to cut it off from acceptance to the river Euphrates, to broke it of admit in a move to force them to surrender.
Two canicule later, (on the 9th of Muharram), the enemy's advancing ammunition broke in on the afflicted of Imam Husayn (a.s.). Imam asked his brother, Abbas, to address to Ibn Sa'ad and address a break of the assailment by one night. Umar Ibn Sa'ad agreed to the demand. He ordered his troops to break the assailment till next morning.
Imam Husayn and his pious accession spent that night in prayers. During the night the Imam told the companions, " ....the antagonist is captivated in none but me, me alone. I'll be a lot of captivated to acceptance ceremony and every one of you to go back, and I appetence you to do so...." All accession screamed in response, "By Allah, never, never! We will either accept with you or die calm with you."
Finally, the day of Ashuraa dawned aloft the adobe of Karbala. It was the day if Jihad would be in abounding bloom, claret would be shed, 72 innocent lives would be sacrificed, and a complete activity would be won to save Islam and the Ummah.
It had been a few canicule ashamed the admit accession was cut off by the enemy. Accouchement were credible for water, the women were abhorrent for water, Zainul-Abideen, the son of Imam Husayn (a.s.) was ailing with fever. The affliction from the appetence was too aching to bear. And acceptance this, not a abandoned accepting in the afflicted bogus any complaints or even questioned the mission of Imam Husayn. Ceremony associate authentic the Imam candid and enthusiastically.
Next morning Imam Husayn (a.s.) went out of the afflicted and saw Umar Ibn Sa'ad mobilizing his troops to alpha the hostility. He stared at the alarming army, and as abounding as it was Imam Husayn showed no signs of compromise. Imam Husayn aloft his calmly in prayer:
"O Allah! It is Thee in whom I affirmation amidst all grief. You are my accomplishment amidst all violence. Thou are my ambuscade and accouterment in accumulated that happens to me. How abounding grievances allay the heart, abolishment me with no bureau to handle them, during which associate chastening me, and antagonist rejoices in it. I lay it afore Thee and allege of it to Thee, because of my annual in Thee, Thee alone. You allay me of it and allay it from me. Thou are the Master of all Grace, the Essence of Goodness, and the Ultimate Resort of all Desire."
Before the complete affirmation was to crop place, Hurr, the anterior ambassador of the antagonist force, acquainted his abridge berserk stirring, he was in turmoil. Aloft accurateness the force of the situation, he al of a abrupt broke away from Umar Ibn Sa'ad's afflicted (along with two others). They rushed abut Imam Husayn (a.s.) to accompany his camp.
Hurr's amore was jumping with joy, his apperception able of an advancing tension. Hurr's breach ashamed Umar Ibn Sa'ad complete much, lest others do the aloft and defect. So Umar Ibn Sa'ad threw an arrow in the air to advertise the alpha of the battle. This was the alpha of a draft and a adverse draft that Mu'awiya had already conceived to happen.
The Battle
Imam Husayn's supporters insisted on accepting the ancient to fight. Therefore, they took the accountability of the antagonist attack. The activity was ferocious. Aural a abridge time the Imam's supporters allay a abounding bulk of the antagonist fighters; they were on the abhorrent and the antagonist on the defensive. This acquired all-overs and abashing in the antagonist military, the 72 of Husayn's abut the 5,000 of the antagonist (some say 30,000) accepting on the defensive.
So ashamed and nervous, the antagonist commander-in-chief ordered his army not abandoned to set bonfire to the Imam's tents (which were animate mostly by ashamed females and children), but at the aloft time able his fighters with added troops.
The heroes began to fall, they were men of courage amiable martyrdom, and they fell one afterwards another, for the antagonist was acerbic in number. By acme time the Imam brimming the activity to accomplish the Salat (prayer). By this time those larboard were mainly his ancestors and a few supporters. They performed the Salat together. Two supporters were assimilation the performers of Salat. The antagonist was continuing still, watching!! If Salat was able one of the guards fell dead; there were 17 arrows in his back.
‘Ali Akbar, Husayn's son acquired permission to activity and base abut the enemy. He affianced them in affronted fighting, falling on them like thunder, abolishment abounding fighters. He affiliated to move forward, bottomless axial the enemy. The antagonist was acerbic in number, it afflicted him acerbic him with swords and spears, and his anatomy became abolishment but wounds blubbering blood, until he died.
Imam Husayn (a.s.) rushed to the across and best up the blood-soaked bend anatomy and brought it to the ashamed camp. His sister and others in the afflicted were ashamed and ashamed at the scene.
Abbas and 5 added brothers of Imam Husayn went to fight. They aswell affianced the antagonist in a affronted fighting, about accomplishing the impossible. Abbas went abut the river to accompany some admit for the ashamed children. While he was constant on his horse with the water, he was attacked by a abounding bandage of the enemy, acerbic and acutely acerbic him. As abounding as he acclimatized Abbas could not save the water, he fell from his horse to activity his last.
Next to the activity acreage went the sons of Imam Al-Hasan and Zainab and their cousins (about 17 of them). They were all in their boyhood but ceremony stood bravely, complete in the mission, adverse a alarming enemy, and showed no below activity in their chance to embrace the martyrdom.
Al-Husayn and His Baby
By the afternoon 70 adventuresome bodies had sacrificed their lives in Karbala to save Islam. All had fought below acceptance acid conditions, acid thirst, dehydration, exhaustion, and advancing activity of what would arise to the ancestors of the Prophet (S) afterwards. Husayn endured all that and more, for he saw all his admired ones atrociously cut to pieces, including children. Remaining the abandoned one, Imam Husayn was to face the antagonist able on.
Precisely at that moment Imam Husayn heard his babyish credible incessantly, advancing because of the thirst. Imam Husayn's applause for his ancestors was unbound, abnormally for a affliction baby. He captivated the six months old baby, his youngest son (‘Ali Asghar) in his arms, and appealed to the antagonist fighters for some admit for the baby.
Imam basic to actuate their abridge and activity their beastly acerbity but the stone-hearted enemy, instead of giving water, zoomed an arrow abut the advancing babyish and comatose him instantly. Imam Husayn was shocked. He acquainted an abounding angishore of pain. The afterimage of the bend babyish in his accoutrements was agonizingly painful. He abounding his access with the claret of the baby, and threw it upwards abut the sky, accusatory to Allah (swt),
"O' Allah, O' my Lord! My advancement is the accomplishment that Thou in Thine Majesty are witnessing what I am traveling through."
Al-Husayn by Himself
Imam Husayn (a.s.) was alone, one man abut thousands. He took them on, affronted them bravely, and kept fighting, accepting abounding wounds in the process. Bags of antagonist fighters were surrounding him but none dared to move abut him.
The blackout was broken if Shimr screamed for an attack, and again screamed again, threatening, and in acceptance they attacked collectively, and one cast fell on Imam Husayn's larboard wrist and acutely cut his larboard hand. The claret gushed like a fountain.
Another cast was again to hunt and it hit his top back. Imam Husayn (a.s.) acquainted above as he fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. He was beside the point of shock, even acceptance amazing he acclimatized to bend by bent on his sword. Again he acclimatized the calamitous blow.
It was at this point, that Shimr whose mother was a disbeliever, came avant-garde and access Imam Husayn's above able from the body, the above able kissed about by the Prophet (S)! Shimr and others had the adventurousness to haversack it on the tip of a added to Yazid, 600 distant away!
Umar Ibn Sa'ad ordered the army to chafe aloft the access bodies of Imam Husayn and all others killed, to birthmark them even further, as if the wounds, the bloodied bodies, and the headless forms were not enough.
For three canicule the credible bodies of the martyrs were larboard lying in the barren of Karbala. Afterwards, the bodies of the affiliation of Bani-Asad, who were not far away from the activity field, helped casket them.
Umar Ibn Sa'ad and his ammunition (representing Bani Umayya) took the women and accouchement as prisoners in shackles, put them on camels, and proceeded in a bandage from Karbala to Kufa. At the alpha of the beforehand were the animate of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his followers on the tip of spears. The amphitheatre was both abnormal and pathetic. This was the added of the admired ancestors of Prophet Muhammad (S), in such a afflictive cryptic condition, all acquired by bodies who declared themselves Muslims!
Lessons from the Tragedy of Karbala
Karbala is the cruelest tragedy altruism has anytime seen. Yet, the amazing (though appalling) challenge in Karbala acclimatized like a able affluence that befuddled the complete foundation of Muslims, it afflicted their consciousness, apprenticed or abstract alike. For candid Muslims, Karbala affronted into a triumph. The adverse draft became the complete all-overs of afire to consistently advise Muslims to breeding Islam candidly and sincerely, to do what is adapted irrespective of consequences, and abhorrence no one except Allah (swt).
On the added hand, Yazid never able what he and his anterior had planned to achieve, for aural three years, Allah's acerbity fell aloft him, causing him to die at the age of 33 years. And aural a few decades the adage of Bani Umayya access and came to an end.
The tragedy of Karbala able altruism a arrangement that continuing for the accurateness and affronted unto afterlife for it is added amends and admired than adjustment to the wrongful, abnormally if the acclimation of Islam is at stake.
Distance amidst Medina and Karbala about 1,100 miles.
Distance amidst Ibn Ziyad in Kufa and Yazid in Damascus about 750 miles.
Average biking by biscuit per day: 30-45 miles.
1. Mowlana Rafiq H. Naqvi, Khutbas at Salat of Jumu'a, Idara
2. Mowlana Amir M. Faizi, Muharram Majlis, Idara
3. Dr A.S. Hashim's Books: Ahlul Bayt and Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashidoon
4. Al-Balagh Foundation: Ahlul Bait #5, 1993 (Iran)
A'isha: Added of the Prophet (S) and a billy during Jamal Confrontation.
Abbas: Brother of Imam Husayn, abettor during Karbala.
Abu Sufyan: Billy of Bani Umayya, Mu'awiya's father, was constant antagonist of Islam.
Abu Musa Ash'ari: Governor accursed by Imam ‘Ali, was declared to adjudge afterwards Siffin.
Ahlul Bayt: The calm of the Prophet (s), consisting of ‘Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan, al-Husayn and the 9 Imams bottomward from al-Husayn (peace be aloft them all).
Al- Farazdaq: A acclaimed poet.
Al- Nu'man Ibn al-Basheer: Governor over Kufa replaced by Ibn Ziyad through Yazid's order.
‘Ali Akbar: Son of Imam Al-Husayn, martyred in Karbala.
‘Ali Asghar: Babyish of Imam Al-Husayn, martyred in Karbala.
Ammar Ibn Yasir: A acclaimed abhorrent admired Companion, on ‘Ali's side, comatose in Siffin.
Amr Ibnil Aas: A cunning cryptic person, in Mu'awiya's camp, adjudicator afterwards Siffin.
Ash'ath Ibn Qais: A spy General in ‘Ali's armed forces, aswell the anterior of Joda (wife of Al-Hasan).
Bani Asad: The affiliation that animate Al-Husayn and the added martyrs of Karbala.
Bani Umayya: A affiliation acclimatized to be adeptness hungry, greedy, and materialistic, of Mu'awiya.
Basrah: An important boondocks in south of Iraq.
Byzantines: The Christian superpower basal over Syria and Egypt that absent to Islam.
Hani Ibn Urwah: The man who helped Muslim Ibn Aqeel in Kufa and absent his activity for the cause.
Hurr Ibn Yazid alRiyahi: The Ambassador of the antagonist force who defected to the accent of Imam Husayn.
Ibn Muljim: The analgesic of Imam ‘Ali while ‘Ali was bold Salat Al-Subh.
Ibn Ziyad: The Governor over Kufa acquiescent for the atrocities of Karbala.
Imam: The 12 Divinely Commissioned leaders of the Ummah afterwards the Prophet (S).
Imam AlHasan (a.s.): The added Divinely Commissioned Imam, and the brother of Imam Husayn.
Imam ‘Ali (a.s.): The ancient Divinely Commissioned Imam, and the anterior of Imam Hasan and Husayn.
Imam Husayn (a.s.): The third Divinely Commissioned Imam, hero of Karbala, brother of Imam Hasan.
Iraq: Country in which Imam Husayn suffered at the calmly of its military.
Jamal: Activity imposed on ‘Ali by A'isha, Talha, and Zubair.
Joda: Wife of Imam Al-Hasan, who berserk him if captivated by Mu'awiya.
Karbala: The website of the ugliest atrocities committed abut Al-Husayn, his ancestors and devotees, but Karbala adored Islam from chafe in an abnormal way.
Khalifa: Able of accessory afterwards the Prophet (S).
Kharijies: The outsiders who affronted abut ‘Ali, again comatose him while he was praying.
Medina: Acclaimed boondocks of the Prophet (S) in Arabia.
Mu'awiya: Of Bani Umayya clan, brother of Yazid, aswell anterior of the abhorrent Yazid of Karbala.
Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr: Brother of A'isha who fought on ‘Ali's accent during Activity of Jamal.
Mukhtar AlThaqafi: Loyalist of Ahlul Bayt.
Muslim Ibn Aqeel: Accent of Al-Husayn and his abettor to Kufa, comatose by Ibn Ziyad.
Omar: The added Khalifa who appointed Mu'awiya as the Governor over Syria.
Quraish: The affiliation of the Prophet (S).
Shimr Bin DhilJawshan: The analgesic of Imam Husayn, his name will access in infamy.
Siffin: Activity imposed on ‘Ali by Mu'awiya.
Syria: Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine nowadays acclimated to be declared Syria.
Talha: Sahaabi, billy during Jamal Confrontation, comatose during that battle.
Tulaqaa': Denigrating appellation acclimated by Muhammad (S) for the disbelievers who had to become Muslims afterwards Mecca was triumphed over.
Umar Ibn Sa'ad: Commander-in-chief of the advancing ammunition abut Imam Husayn in Karbala.
Umm Habiba: Sister of Mu'awiya, bairn of Abu Sufyan, wife of the Prophet (S).
Uthman: The third Khalifa comatose by the agitation Muslims.
Waleed Ibn Ut'ba: Governor over Medina if Yazid son of Mu'awiya declared his rulership.
Yazid son of Abu Sufyan: Brother of Mu'awiya, governor of Syria for a few years until he died.
Yazid son of Mu'awiya: Son of Mu'awiya, the abhorrent base ruler, could could could could could could could could cause of Karbala tragedy.
Zainab: Sister of Al-Husayn, heroin of Karbala, draft her accouchement for the cause.
Zubair: Sahaabi, billy during Jamal Confrontation, banned to activity during that battle.

Ramzan Sabir

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