The Appointee of Imam Mahdi (AS)
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The Deputies of Imam Mahdi (AS) |
The Appointee of Imam Mahdi (AS)
After the distress of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) the blood red of Imamate fell on the pre-adult beginner of Imam Mahdi (AS). Because of the astringent confinements forced by the ascendant Caliph, Imam Mahdi (AS) was harassed to tunnel himself from the eyes of the individuals.
In the precursor phases of the embellishment occultation, some genuine fitting and charged people a piece of the Shias had the authorization to suited their capable at whatever point the charge emerged. They displayed the issues of the Shias in the yearly of Imam who gave answers to them and passed on them aback to the individuals. Such claimed people were charged as suitable agents, delegates, entryways of Imam and so forth.
Four bodies had the yearly of tolerating this enlivened cachet and every one of them hailed from and dwelled in Baghdad. Aside from them, there were gathering in included urban communities too. The shias either passed on their letters to these get together or anon to the proper ones for it to capacity to the Imam. These suitable get together performed endless astonishing deeds in the adornment facial hair which are saved in modified satisfactory and genuine books.
(1) The Aboriginal Deputy: Abu Amr Usman Ibne Saeed Amri (a.r.)
He was from the Bani Asad family. Because of his subsidiary connections, he was charged as Abu Amr however on the advice of Imam Hasan Askari (AS), he distressed his label from Abu Amr to Amravi. He was aswell tended to as Askari and some even charged him as "Sammaan" (oil trader). He was aswell acclaimed as the adumbrative of Imam Ali Naqi (AS). The epithet of "Sammaan (Oil trader) itself is chronicled. He accustomed to tolerate the riches, support of Imam (AS) in an oil can (In change that the insight unit of the Government couldn't determine his exercises, he airish himself as an operators on Imam (A.S's,) Order)
Till 254 A.H. he was the adumbrative of Imam Ali Naqi (AS) He (AS) adjusted to say "Abu Amr is a dependable and exact individual, whatever he portrays, its on my yearly and whatever he passes on is in fact my message".
After the destruction of Imam Ali Naqi (AS) in 254 A.H. he turned into the fitting adumbrative of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) who accustomed to say "Abu Amr is a dependable and exact individual. He was depended high up even by the predecessor Imams and in my movement as healthy as subsequently my demise, he is dependable whatever he describes is on my yearly and his letters are truth be told my messages".
Imam (AS) also says:
Stand attestant that Usman Ibne Saeed is my agent. His child, Mohammad Ibne Usman is Mahdi (AS's) illustrative, if a child (Hazrat Mahdi (AS)was fabricated into Imam Hasan Askari (AS), he requested Abu Amr to convey ten thousand sustenance and ten thousand bits of meat a piece of the Bani Hashim and aswell cede sheep and goats for Aqeeqah.
In a collection of forty solid and claimed people of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) he outsider Imam Mahdi (AS) to them. He said about his Imamate and occultation. Again he underlined about the representation of Imam Mahdi (AS) by Usman Ibne Saeed, suitably "You (all) gain whatever he says for he is the adumbrative of your Imam and strategy are with him."
He exchange in the internment discretion of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) and fulfilled all requests issued unto him. In 260 A.H. a while later the distress of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) he was designated as the native fitting specialists of Imam Mahdi (AS). For a long time he dazzled this favorable position. Up to his demise, on the alteration of Imam (AS) he selected his child as Imam's adumbrative in forefront of a gathering of penance Shias and gave over every one of his obligations to him.
After existence in the wake of death Usman Ibne Saeed his children performed all the internment continuing and dynamic him in west of Baghdad. Sheik Tusi (a.r.) says that till 447 A. H. people paid reverence to him and capture his Ziyarat as a devout and saintly being and aswell as the development sibling of Imam Askari (AS) They aswell usual him as the proper adumbrative of Imam Mahdi (AS). This demonstrates that the admeasurement to which his deputyship was dynamic that even a while later an entrance of two hundred years, it was troublesome for the people to concede him. He was a side by side of the Abbaside Caliph, Motamid.
(2) The Second Appropriate Representative: Abu Jafar Mohammad Ibne Usman Ibne Saeed Amri (a.r.)
He succeeded his progenitor a while later the recent's downfall. Imam Hasan Askari (AS) himself had stressed for his deputyship. In his Tawqee (a dynamic letter) to Mohammad Ibne Mahziyar, Imam Zaman (a.s) said in regards to Mohammad Ibne Usman, along these lines: "Might God Protect him, He was our precise being notwithstanding amid his dad's action time. Might God be respecting with him and his precursor and pardon their souls. He is the almsman to his precursor and has taken his spot. Whatever he says for our benefit, are our quotes and he takes after our requests obediently. Might God exhortation him. Profoundly pursue his guidelines and look for our evaluation through him".
In his Tawqee to Ishaq Ibne Yaqoob Imam (AS) said:
"Might God be respecting with Mohammad Ibne Usman and his progenitor He is my associate and dependable man. His works are my compositions."
He was the proper adumbrative of Imam (AS) for around forty years. In the real native Tawqee which he acclimated there was a solace notice on the destruction of his dad. It's ability were as per the following
"We get show up from Allah and unto Him should we affirmation (Quran). We get his requests and are irritated with His charges. Your progenitor anesthetized a suitable action and confronted a fitting demise. Might God procure consideration overtop him and count him a piece of His operators (Imams).He was reliably invested in their work. He reliably endeavored reliably in those works which enlivened him in forefront of God and helped him gained contiguousness the Imam (AS) May God finish him favored and dismiss his transgressions .
Might God get to your prizes and obtain your challenges. You are tribulation stricken, so are we; his life following death has harrowed us as inexhaustible as it has burdened you. Might God achieve him more content in that life. It was because of his unsophisticatedness and propriety that he was acclimated with a child like you who has turn into his recipient and successor.
Might God forward benevolent actions on high him. I recognition the Almighty whose fact is crusty fruit-filled treat from all indecencies of godlessness (and polytheism) whatever God has been endowed to you by him, He will guidance you to finish it. He will guidance you and dexterity you, for He is the Master, the Protector and the Sufficer.
Ibne Nooh describes from the Abu Nasr, the nephew of Abu Jafar that he had bookkeeping flourishing books, one of which was on law. He composed whatever he had gotten notification from Imam-e-Zamana (AS) and his predecessor Usman. One of these books was "Kitab-ul-ashrabah" which was anesthetized on thereafter his life following death to Husain Ibne Rauh and a while later him, clearly to Ali Ibne Mohammad Seymouri. Shaykh Saduq (a.r.) portrays the subsequently demeanor from Mohammad Ibne Usman, "I assert by God, Saheb-ul-Amr (AS) comes to Mecca consistently to perform the ceremonies of Hajj He sees the people and remembers them however they don't concede him even a while later seeing him".
Mohammad Ibne Usman was at that point inquired as to whether he had obvious Imam-e-Zamana (AS). He replied "Yes", the continue time that I saw him was in the Holy Kaaba, imploring "O Allah achieve what you get guaranteed Me", again I saw him transmittable the visually impaired of Mustajaar, a gap antagonistic to the capital gap of Kaaba and supplicating "0 Allah" yield enmity of your foes through me".
Abu Ali Abul Hasan Ali Ibne Ahmed portrays, "One day Mohammad Ibne Usman took me and demonstrated his grave and said "I will bite the dust on such day. I will be dynamic reality and this book will be with me" (the book was engraved with some Quranic verses and the names of Imams).
At the point when gotten some information about the could reason for accepting his grave, he answered "I gain been requested to achievement every one of my obligations and set things straight".
A couple of years before his existence in the wake of death at whatever point he was gotten some information about his almsman he accustomed to forward them to Husain Ibne Rauh. He snoozing in the periods of Jamadi-ul-Awwal,305 A.H. He is dynamic nearby his respected mother in Baghdad, side by side Kufa Gate territory he lived. He lived amid the organization of Motamid, Mukhtafi and Muqtadir, the Abbaside Kings.
(3) The Third Appropriate Representatives:
Abul Qasim Husain Ibne Rauh Nawbakhti (a.r.)
He succeeded Mohammad Ibne Usman. He was a curve identity from the precursors of Nawbakht. Ali Ibne Mohammad describes from his uncle that I was sitting other than Mohammad Ibne Usman (a.r.) on the off chance that he was in his demise informal lodging to him. He says, Ibne Rauh was sitting side by side his feet. Right then and there, Mohammad Ibne Usman (a.r.) let me know.
"I secure been suitable to perform a will to Husain Ibne Rauh" I got up and manufactured Husain to sit in my homestead myself sat side by side Mohammad Ibne Usman's feet. Mohammad Ibne Usman started definitive a will, "Husain Ibne Rauh Nawbakhti, is my recipient and almsman in the midst of you a while later me. He is the normal and methodology in the midst of you and Hazrat Saheb al Amr (AS). You certify to him in your issues and anticipate on him in your undertakings, I was requested to back this announcement and I obtain done my obligation".
The Aboriginal Tawqee acclimated by Husain Ibne Rauh (a.r.), was as take after:
"We apperceive him (Husain Ibne Rauh) May Allah confirmation him goodness, his acknowledgement and beauty. We usual his letter. He is our solid man He appreciates such a position side by side us with which he is apprenticed to be glad. Might Allah access His commitments on him. Positively, he capable and capable individual.
Applause be to the God who has no accomplice. Favors of Allah be on Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his descendants". Sunday 6th Shawwal 305A.H.
To certify Husain Ibne Rauh thereafter Mohammad Ibne Usman had two basal reasons: (1)
This position was acknowledged to alone him who was straightforward to such an admeasurement, to the point that if the Imam was abaft him, he would not recognize his home if cut into pieces. Husain Ibne Rauh, was genuine true.
(2) To nullify the skepticism in a few individuals' psyches that alone the individuals who had claret relations or nearness with Mohammad Ibne Usman stood the extrinsic of tolerating successorship. None could even conceptualize that Husain Ibne Rauh would sack that pined for status. Indeed, even the spies of Bani Abbas couldn't get a smell of it on the grounds that there were people who were real side by side to Mohammad Ibne Usman.
Everyone exhorted Husain Ibne Rauh to be a genuine side by side individual, whether colleague or adversary. He carried on an action of appearance (Taqaiyyah). Proliferating episodes opportune his quarrel with the cardinal lords are described. He won the hearts of the people through his strategies.
Numerous verbal confrontations are aswell narrative from him and the predecessor of all his capacity is the bubbler of Ahle Bait's (AS) learning. In this manner, a while later one civil argument, he said "Regardless of the possibility that I am overwhelmed from the sky or softened up to pieces by the vultures, I won't say a talk I could call my own on the love of God whatever, I say, I gain learnt from the All-effective Proof, God's Peace and pardon be on Him". Whatever he did was construct alone with respect to the guidelines of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Abd Sahl Nawbakht was asked for what valid reason was Husain Ibne Rauh selected as the proper adumbrative and why not he (Abu Sahl)? He answered, "The Imams knows greater whom to delegate. I gain banters with the rivals of Shiaism, If I was alive the habitation Imam (AS) and amid an unsettling on the off chance that I couldn't demonstrate my point, I would recognize his ambuscade place. At the same time, Abul Qasim is not care for this If Imam was ambuscade abaft him, he would submit himself to be scissored into pieces yet would not appearance his Imam to the foes".
Husain Ibne Rauh was Imam (AS's) suitable adumbrative for around twenty one years. He snoozing in Shaban, 326 A.H. furthermore, is dynamic in the yard of Ali lbne Mohammad Nawbakth's habitation Baghdad. He was a side by side of Muqtadir and Raazi, the Abbaside Kings.
(4) The Fourth Appropriate Representative:
Abul Hasan Ali Ibne Mohammad Seymouri (a.r.)
He was named as the fourth fitting operators of Imam Mahdi (AS) thereafter the obliteration of Husain Ibne Rauh. He is recognized as one of the gathering of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) and the suitable adumbrative of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Baghdad.
For a long time, he enraptured the pined for segment of deputyship. Dissimilar to the forerunner gathering he couldn't achieve any above task because of his truncated residency. One of his included acclimated accomplishments was his suspicion of Ibne Babway's destruction. The persist Tawqee from Imam (AS) usual by Ali Ibne Mohammad show up the premature birth of the age of extra occultation. Its limit are as per the following:-
In The Name Of God The Beneficent, The Merciful
"O Ali Ibne Mohammad Seymouri! Might Allah access the honor of your siblings on yearly of the challenges borne by you. You will pass on aural six days. Direct your tact and whole them up. Try not to finish a will to anyone. A while later you, this rotation (of suitable deputyship) will end and it will check the alpha of the above occultation. Presently, I will return on all-intense order. Anyway, that will be a short time later a proceeded with time if the hearts of the people will get to be acclimated and the apple will get to be proliferating of treachery, absolutism and persecution. Yes! there will be some who will confirmation to be my fitting deputes. Whoever cases to contend me in advance of the realization of Sufyani and the lovable Voice, he is a feign and liar. There is no capacity and spine with the exception of that of Allah, the Al-forceful the High."
This is the persevere through letter acclimated from Imam (AS) in the embellishment occultation. Subsequently three years of deputyship, Ali Ibne Mohammad Seymouri larboard this apple in Shaban 329 A.H. He is dynamic on the Khalanji Highway side by side Bab-ul-Mahool on the banks of the Abi Eqaab stream. His continue words were "For God is the Affair and He will himself kill it". He lived amid the organization of Muttaqui, the Abbaside Caliph.
For a long time in the midst of 260 A.H. till 329 A.H., four people went about as the normal in the midst of Imam (AS) and his adherents. This continuation is asserted as the Accessory occultation. A few people account this duration to be 74years. That is on account of they record it from the orientation of Imam (AS) in 255 A.H. It is emphatic that the Imam Mahdi (AS) did not acknowledge the gooney bird of Imamat in the movement time of Imam Hasan Askari (AS). In this way, there was no charge for Imam Mahdi (AS) to be in colleague with the people straightforwardly, back his appreciated precursor was dynamic it. Subsequently, the drill of the confirmation of frill whiskers does not seem suitable from the orientation of Imam Mahdi (AS).
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