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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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Fundamentals of Islam

Usool -ad-Deen (Roots of Religion)

Tawheed - (Oneness of God) 

 The a lot of axiological aspect of all behavior revolves about the complete accepting of the Complete and Complete Creator. Accepting in the Originator of all causes and accoutrement with no aftereffect on Him and that He is One, Everliving, Beneficent and Merciful. He has neither a abettor nor a partner. He begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like Him. The Almighty God is Unique and is Complete in the Complete sense. No commodity in His Universe can anytime acknowledge His authentic accent and none should even bother to try for it will beforehand to futility and insanity. Yet there is no agnosticism in any sane apperception that His achievement precedes all and His appearance is In actuality all-over (everpresent). For anyone to say that God does not acquire is a bluff and a fool because such a accepting can NEVER confute His existence, whether scientifically or philosophically, or for that bulk in any acclimation known. Because He is Complete and none is like Him, no one in the about angel can anytime physically ascertain Him, and appropriately all idol worshippers and those who ascribe a ability or a anatomy to Him are wrong. Ascribing a ability to the One who is aloft our apprenticed perceptions would be akin to lying and giving a counterfeit ability and a counterfeit representation. In addition, to admission that one can see God in the authentic adroitness of sitting on a able like some emblematic accepting is in actuality an counterfeit annual and should never be accepted. The Almighty Creator brings to achievement accumulated with complete Ability and abolishment in His Universe is imperfect. Appropriately to accent that the Creator has created awry things is in actuality a counterfeit statement. He is the One and Abandoned and is In actuality complete of abolishment and accumulated that exists. Glorified be His names, the A lot of High!
'Adl - (Justice) - Essentially allocation of Tawheed. Accepting that God is Just. He will approval or corruption any accepting according to his accomplishments and appropriately the bend of afterlife (where all decisions are God's and not any one else's) in one's accomplishments does not exist. It is in actuality banned in Islam to admission that the Almighty, Merciful Allah planned our afterlife and that the able and the bad are just His Will and there is no best for us amidst them (God forbid!). Those who ascribe to such lies do so because they ambition to allegation their own evils on Allah and affirmation the able for themselves! Although the aspect of Allah's Apology is not a absent commodity of Allah for in actuality the Almighty God can never be compartmentalized nor authentic in any about terms, it is nonetheless in actuality compulsatory to admission and in fact admission the emphasis of this aspect in Islam so as not to accede the affronted suggestions of Iblees (curse of Allah be aloft him and his progeny) and his accumulation from able us astray.


 - (Prophethood) - Accepting in the Prophets (PBUT) of God who excel all added bodies for whom they are adorable for. All prophets of Allah are complete and blameless (ma'soom). Astrologer Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH&HF) is the abide of the prophets adorable by God and the sealer of prophets for NO added are to come, EVER! The complete bulk of prophets (PBUT) that were adorable by God to beef is 124,000 and every nation on angel was acclimatized admonition through them. In fact, all aloft religions today on angel can be traced to admission these alluringly guided agents as their ancient propagators of the Truth of Allah. The best of His messengers all came from the above timberline i.e. ancestors bearing and abounding of them are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an which describes who they were and what their mission on angel was. It is important to calendar that no astrologer on angel anytime negated or abandoned any of the added alluringly advancing prophets and appropriately their annual was consistently the above and one in purpose. Ceremony acclimatized the law of the One and Abandoned God and showed the way of action for bodies to observe. From the complete ancient apperception of mankind, there was consistently a astrologer on angel which was Astrologer Adam (PBUH). This admonition from the Merciful Allah to accredit His complete laws affiliated to the abide Astrologer Muhammad (PBUH&HF) who exemplified the belletrist of the law in his a lot of complete behavior. He completed and able the one and abandoned Authentic religion, Islam. With the adumbration of the abide Holy Book, the Qur'an, which is the a lot of able and complete book of God with us, he acclimatized as allocation of his mission, every concievable and activated law for beef to hunt in acclimation to attain aerial perfection. Great prophets such as Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaaq (Isaac), Yaqoob (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Dawood (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Musa (Moses), Yahya (John), and Isa (Jesus), - (Peace be aloft them all) - all came from the one adored bearing of Astrologer Adam (PBUH) and assured with the abide Messenger, Muhammad (PBUH&HF). It is aswell important to calendar that anyone who ascribes imperfections or mistakes to these alluringly guided personalities is ascribing it afresh to Allah who is in actuality chargeless from such. Accepting of such annual is aswell animation of the annual of Allah entirely. Appropriately with prophethood, a accepter has to admission in their complete annual afterwards any all-overs of attainable errors or mistakes.

Imamat - (Guidance) 

Accepting in the alluringly appointed administering afterwards the afterlife of the Holy Astrologer (PBUH&HF) to assure and adviser beef with the arise Truth, the Holy Qur'an and the authentic practices of the Holy Astrologer himself. The roles of these leaders is an basal allocation in the advocacy of all the Messengers and their complete Messages. The Almighty Allah appointed through the Holy Astrologer himself, twelve Guides (Imams) to assure beef from misrepresenting and misinterpreting the Truth. Accepting in this is a lot of important in Islam and no doubts about their positions should be allowed. They are in fact blameless (ma'soom) and complete in the able adroitness of the word. The Imams admission complete adeptness from God, and their acknowledgment is the acknowledgment of God. Afterwards the Holy Prophet, abandoned they can acclimate and adviser beef in every aspect of action and afterlife and all believers acquire to admission admonition from them or away they will in actuality be lost. They do NOT accompany any new laws nor do they anytime innovate their own laws. They consistently exempliy and comment the activated (Sunnah) and the accounting (the Holy Qur'an). It is aswell important to calendar that they NEVER disagree with ceremony added in their amenities and duties nor in their representations of the Complete Laws. They are from the best and the a lot of adored and antibacterial bearing of the abide Holy Astrologer Muhammad (PBUT) and their names are as follows: (1) Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, the accent and son-in-law of the Holy Astrologer who declared him his abandoned brother in this angel and in the next, (2) Imam Hasan son of Ali, (3) Imam Husain son of Ali, (4) Imam Ali son of Husain, (5) Imam Muhammad son of Ali, (6) Imam Ja'far son of Muhammad, (7) Imam Musa son of Ja'far, (8) Imam Ali son of Musa, (9) Imam Muhammad son of Ali, (10) Imam Ali son of Muhammad, (11) Imam Hasan son of Ali, and the abide and alive Imam Muhammad son of Hasan, the artist of the Truth till the end of this angel (PBUT). There is no almsman to the Twelfth Holy Imam Muhammad ibnul Hassan (PBUH) and he is LIVING today but is in bristles and appears abandoned to those who are a lot of in allegation and to those who are a lot of blameless and pious. By the Command of Allah, he will reappear to all if he will accredit authentic apology on angel and will adage beef compassionately with complete ability as is the Will of the Almighty Allah. He will allay the affronted establishments on angel and beef will abide below authentic admonition as should admission been abounding centuries ago!

Qiyaamat - (Resurrection) 

Accepting in the Day of Judgement if all beastly beings shall be aloft from the comatose and all their able and bad accomplishments shall be ultimately brash and recompensed accordingly. This accepting is a lot of basic WITH the accepting in the One Authentic God. The Day of Judgement will prove to all in this Universe that the Almighty Allah is the Creator of all from abolishment and is the Complete Master. His complete appearance shall be a lot of aboveboard on this important Day for all to witness. It is a judgement Dayfor His creatures to apperceive themselves and their accordance to the Creator Allah. Just as afterward for apology is inseperable in any affiliation on earth, so is the Ultimate Day of Apology inseparable for mankind.

Furoo-ad-Deen (Branches of Religion)

Salat (Prayers)
Saum (Fasting)
Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Zakat (Poor Rate)
Khums (Wealth Tax)
Jihad (Striving)
Amr-Bil-Ma'roof (Enjoin what is good)
Nahi-Anil-Munkar (Forbid what is wrong)
Tawalla (To applause and annual the Ahl-ul-Bait and their friends)
Tabarra (To abstruse from the enemies of the Ahl-ul-Bait)

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