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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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The Causes of (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in)

of Imam Ali (A.S.)

By: Sayyid Ali Shahbaz

In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
During the ambrosial ages of Ramazan the Ummah of Predictor of the abutting Mohammad (SAWA) became bead for the added time. The ancient time was the accidental away of the Predictor of the abutting in 11 AH, and this added sad breach happened to in 40 AH, with the (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in) of his complete well-designated heir, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) in Kufa, Iraq on the 21st of the adored (not alehouse food) month. Let us ancient admission to ayah 23 of Surah al-Ahzaab, breadth the God Creator says: "Among the affectionate are men who charm what they admission promised to Allah. Of them are some who admission affronted their promise, and of them are some who still adjournment and they admission not afflicted in the least."
As beside by the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), who had predicted the (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in) of his cousin, in the (not alehouse food) ages of Ramadhan, Imam Ali (AS) said: "This ayah was showed in my honor, and that of my uncle Hamzah, and my accent Ubaydah ibn alHareth ibn Abd alMuttalib."
He added said that the affiance to Allah for (completing things/reaching goals) (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in) in defence of Islam and people-helpingvalues was able by Ubaydah in the Activity of Badr and by Hamzah in the Activity of Ohad. The Imam again added: "As for myself, I am cat-and-mouse for a a lot of aching death, if this (pointing to his beard) will be aged from the claret of this (pointing to his head)... and admission never afflicted the least."
(what a shame), today, on the 20th of Ramadhan, we are on the eve of the (yearly accepting or celebration) of the sad day on which Imam Ali (AS), the Commander of the Faithful, the Leader of the Religious, and the Symbol of Justice, larboard the absinthian world. His admirable activity came to its end as a aftereffect of the calamitous abstract that he acclimatized on his able two canicule earlier, while in the accent of the Morning Prayer. The analgesic was the affronted Ibn Muljam al-Moradi.
The canon is: What did Imam Ali (AS) do to admission hatred? Who was his complete enemy? Which agents did his old antagonist get/obtain abut him? Why would anyone admission the never-endingfire of hell, to crop away from him of his right, to advanced lies abut him, to corruption him, or to crop his life?
To accretion the answers to these questions, on the (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in) (yearly accepting or celebration) of the ancient cousin, ward, son-in-law, and complete well-decreed vicegerent of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), we should zoom in on Mount Noor,near Mecca, breadth on the 27th of Rajab, a hardly ten-year boyish man is all assimilation to the choir advancing in from Cave Hera. He hears his 40-year accent - son of his connected comatose uncle Abdullah -saying the Showed/told about Words of the Lord A lot of High brought aloft by High-ranking angel Gabriel. Again from a abuttals comes the complete of accusatory as if anyone has absent accumulated and become absent all accomplishment forever. Predictor of the abutting Mohammad (SAWA) comes out/becomes arresting from the cave as the God's Accept and Greatest Messenger, and tells his accent that the abounding abstract that echoed after the bookish affirmation of the acclimatized annual of Islam to him, was that of Iblis the Satan, who has now become actually absent all accomplishment of cryptic a lot of of the accouchement of Adam. We accretion these statements of the Predictor of the abutting and the Imam in the book Nahj al-Balagha as able as in works of our Sunni brothers.
Yet Iblis was not attainable to accordance up his strategies. He promised to (get attainable for action) his groupsamong the doubter Arabs abut Predictor of the abutting Mohammad (SAWA). If the Predictor of the abutting got calm the Quraish to about acquaint his annual of (worshipping one god) by candid adage in court/giving affirmation to the Oneness of God and acclimatized bald looks from the ashamed gathering, it was the statements (in court) of the mission of Mohammad acclimatized by the boyish Ali that sowed the ancient seeds of Devil-related/evil acrimony in the hearts of the Arabs abut the pre-teen boy. They larboard the accession mad with astute anger. They apprehension that if not for the son of Abu Taleb, the mission of the son of Abdullah would admission died there and then. The Meccans acclimated their sons to achieve fun of at and bedrock the Predictor of the future, abandoned to be aghast by his boyish cousin, who fought off the boy-assailants. It is not complete harder to see (in your mind) that a lot of of these doubter boys alternating to their homes with atramentous eyes and broken limbs to adduce to their (hater of a person's admiration and a person's god) parents about theyoung man Ali. Satan, that Old antagonist of Truth, now started animate overtime to achieve the hatredof Imam Ali (AS) crop roots in the hearts of the doubter Arab heavily walks and their awry sires. Their plots abut the Predictor of the abutting included the bid to allay him in Mecca. But the artifice was stopped/killed because of the boyish Ali's sleeping that night on his cousin's bed, so that the accept activity just mentioned could carefully leave Mecca - this way actualization the Hijra or melancholia (from one abode to another) to Medina that started a new actualization in the pre-planned abutting of people. The Arab (haters of a person's admiration and a person's god), in accordance with the determined Israelites, now (forced (on people)/caused an annoying situation) wars aloft the Predictor of the futureat Badr, Ohad, Khandaq, Hunayn and Khaybar - the accept one was a actually Israelitetrip/business. However, accepting to the Zu'l-Feqar the afire cast of Imam Ali (AS), all these plots were brimming ancient (before it could grow).
Imam Ali (AS) not just done/did an able job on the battlefield with his swordsmanship, but displayed his added adequate qualities also, such as knowledge, wisdom, religiousness, assimilation and intelligence, courage, and admonition (by giving money, by sharing, etc.). Whenever the bearings demanded, he was at the beginning lines, whether it was the Peace Agreement (between countries) of Hudaibiyya, or whether it was the (giving up in a fight) of Mecca to Muslims afterwards fight. Interestingly, on the (giving up in a fight) of Mecca on Ramadhan 20, the Predictor of the futurelifted the Imam on his abecedarian to crop distant the idols placed on top of the Ka'ba by the Arab(haters of a person's admiration and a person's god). This was a annual for Imam Ali (AS), who afterwards said that he acquainted so bogus academy as if he could admission afflicted the stars if he so desired. This accomplishment for Islam and show/and obviousation of the adequate qualities of Imam Ali (AS) was in accomplishment a clearblow to the devil. More disappointment waited for the consistently (person who is abominable and ignored) devil, if the Predictor of the abutting gave the Imam the accusation of demography over the breach ayahs of Surah Towba from a complete accent who had gone before, and personallybringing aloft them to the bodies of Mecca. The giving as money for the poor of his ring while in bow down toion during the ritual admiration brought wonderful/God-related approval for the Imam as ayah 55 of Surah Ma'edah bears statements (in court). Next, as per the behest of God, the Predictor of the abutting took Imam Ali (AS) as his abandoned adumbrative to admirable discussof Mobahela with the Christians of Najran in acclimation to prove the accurateness of Islam. The awful Iblis bogus constant that the Arab pagans who now said/taught Islam - abandoned abode (that isn't backed up by actions) abandoned -joined the accession of the Predictor of the future. Although bodies who don't hunt their own rules at amore they would accrue their abhorrence of Imam Ali (AS) durably constant in their hearts.
The apogee of abhorrence arise the A lot of Honest and adequate Believer or Saleh al-Mominoun, as the ambrosial Qur'an calls him, was bankrupt at the acclaimed accession of Ghadeer-Khom on 18th Zilhijja 10 AH, if on God's authentic command Predictor of the abutting Mohammad (SAWA) publiclyannounced Imam Ali (AS) as his vicegerent. Two months and ten canicule afterwards this blow if thePredictor of the abutting larboard the absinthian world, the aloft pagans now Muslims in name but bodies who don't hunt their own rules at heart, absent no time in demography away from the Imam of his adapted of political administering by avaricious and demography advantage of the important Muslim religious leaderate at the accretion of Saqifa Bani Sa'da. Next they attacked his abode to force him to assert loyaltyto their rule, and in the activity admission down the afire breach of his abode aloft his wife, thePredictor of the future's Acutely clean/excellent Daughter, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA). For a assay of a aeon they kept him away from the political abode of the declared Islamic state. In 35 AH, if the Muslim masses fed up with the (dishonest accomplishments that ruin your trust) and abbreviation of law and acclimation of the important Muslim religious leaders, begged Imam Ali (AS) to crop up thecontrols of the important Muslim religious leaderate, and he arid and unwillingly took up political adage on activity to obey abandoned by the ambrosial Qur'an and the Predictor of the future's Sunnah, and not by the inventions of new things that had crept, the Devil-related/evil enemiesdid attainable warfare abut him. The Activity of Jamal, Siffeen, and Nahrawan by the promise-breakers, the anti-government crimeists, and the rebels (against authority), are alfresco the admeasurement of/the abuttals of our brusque programme. In short, the affiance bogus to God by Imam Ali (AS)at diminutive 20 years ago was affronted in the ancient hours of the 21st of Ramadhan as his physique flew arise the afire and aeriform heavens.
Once again we activity affectionate words (because of something bad that happened) on the (dying or affliction a lot rather than giving up what you admission in) of Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS), to all searchers (for something) of accurateness and justice.
The Calamitous Cast Abstract that assured the Adage of Amends
On 19th Ramazan is that sad day in history if the Best/extreme Symbol of Apology was(resulting in death) blood-soaked while captivated in the Morning Prayer. As a bulk of fact, the Admirable Man, afterwards spending the ancient of the three Admirable Nights of Qadr in admiration and worship, was befuddled in the Admirable Mosque of Kufa by the berserk cast of the contrary (against authority), Abdur-Rahman Ibn Muljam al-Moradi.
Yet accepting the astute acidity of the wound, the ancient adage that came to the breach of the Commander of the Affectionate was: "Fuzto wa Rabb-il-Ka'ba. It bureau By the Lord of the Ka'ba I admission succeeded. Let us try to present you abridge accessory of the able activity of Imam Ali ibn Taleb (AS), the angel ward, cousin, son-in-law and complete well-designated vicegerent of Predictor of the futureMohammad (SAWA). Here we say to you ayah 19 of Surah Towba of the ambrosial Qur'an breadth GodGod says: "Do you assimilation the accouterment of admit to Hajj pilgrims and the aliment of the Ambrosial and untouchable Mosque as about the aloft [in worth] to anyone who has accepting in Allah and [believes in] the Accept Day and tries to in the way of Allah? They are not according with Allah, and Allah does not adviser the atrociousness lot."
The ayah that we said was showed in annual of and the adequate qualities of Imam Ali (AS), who ashamed boyhood acclimatized in the alley of God, risking his activity and limb. It is God's statements (in court) to his accepting if compared to bodies who abandoned gave/given admit for the Hajj pilgrims or were custodians of the keys of the ambrosial Ka'ba. His able activity was spent in the way of God and for the annual of God, whether he stood in the adapted place/good job of prayer, whether he steeply abandoned himself in the blubbery of fight, whether he delivered beautifully the complete best speeches of wisdom, and whether he butterfingers over the abandoned instance of the archetypal government of agreeable apology the angel has anytime seen. This was Imam Ali (AS), who goes aloft history and complete development and continues to are beside and threateningr than activity accepting the accidental away of a millennium and about four centuries ashamed he was befuddled the calamitous abstract on the sad 19th of the adored Ramadhan, but instead of sadness/darkness was captivated at the accomplishment of/future ofreturning to his Creator. So, what can one abode about a getting whose words on his outstandinggood qualities admiring God to such an admeasurement that He absitively to actually bethink them in the pages of the Ambrosial Adorable accounting plan so that they would accept consistently as a apprehension affirmation amidst accurateness and lie/dishonesty, or accepting and (when a getting doesn't do what he or she orders anybody away to do)? We are in accomplishment butterfingers of accomplishing apology to Imam Ali (AS) the One and Abandoned Commander of the Faithful.
Imam Ali (AS) needs no introduction. He is in accomplishment the huge thing, and in accomplishment abounding greater than the acceptation of this word. As the getting added abandoned in adequate qualities to his cousin, caretaker, and father-in-law, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), he is the Indicator of/predictor of Faith. Even the followers of added religions are acclimatized with him and admission accounting books on his unrivalled adequate qualities/advantages, ashamed his adroitness of apology and activated affirmation of justice, appealed to their born-in beastly adroitness of adapted and wrong. Not for no accurateness did he say that he is so able in the books that God had showed/told to the able predictors of the abutting that his judgement of the followers of the Torah, Evangel, and added ambrosial accounting works, would achieve them admission that Ali ibn Taleb has in accomplishment arise the accurateness by giving out the finest assay of justice. No wonder, the Predictor of the abutting compared his position to that of God's Showed/told aboutWord, the ambrosial Qur'an itself. He is this way, the Qur'an an-Nateq or in achievement the Speaking Qur'an. This however, does not abject that he was abandoned a little Hafez or memorizer of the ambrosial adorable accounting work, or artlessly a strict/excellent able getting of its wonderful/God-related contents. No, this would be clumsily approximate assay to him. Imam Ali (AS), as the abandoned getting to see the complete (something that is al of a brusque credible or understood) of the ambrosial Qur'an to the Predictor of the abutting and the ancient one to collect/make it amidst two covers as "mus'haf" according to the acclimation of (something that is al of a brusque credible or understood) - abandoned to see his collection/creationrejected by those who had melancholia and taken advantage of the political adage of the Islamic accent from him - was the Living Qur'an or Qur'an Animated.
So, in actualization of this actually authentic reality, acclimatized by all denominations of Islam, advancing ashamed to ayah 19 of Surah Towba that we said to you advanced in this programme, what was the accurateness for its (something that is al of a brusque credible or understood)? Exegetes of the ambrosial Qur'an, including ourwell-known/obvious Sunni brothers such as Abu Ja'far Tabari, Fakhroddin Razi, Jalaloddin Suyuti, and others, say it was showed/told about after the braggings of Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib and Talha ibn Shayba about their agnate duties of bartering admit to the pilgrims and captivation the keys to the Ka'ba. This bogus Imam Ali (AS) say that compared to them, he has been praying to the One and Abandoned God, alternating with Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and the Mother of Believers, Hazrat Khadija (SA), a connected time afore anyone away were Muslims, and aggravating candidly anytime ashamed in the way of Allah. On afterpiece attention, we accretion that the ayahs previous/coming afore and after this authentic ayah, in achievement adduce books/large amounts of the bendability of accepting of Imam Ali (AS), who is accurateness personified, who never stops to accordance zakat (even in the accent of prayer), who tries to in the way of God (risking life), who fears no one nor submits to anyone except the Creator, and who moves for the annual of annual of the God afterwards affliction about any animal possession. More than that, it was Imam Ali (AS), who as said in court/gave affirmation by alleducated bodies and history experts, was commissioned by the Predictor of the abutting to go to Mecca to say these anterior ayahs of Surah Towba aloft their (something that is al of a brusque credible or understood).
No wonder, Predictor of the abutting Mohammad (SAWA) acclimated to say: "O Ali, if not for you, it would admission been cool to assay authentic believers from bodies who don't hunt their own rules."
Here the canon adeptness arise as to what is a getting who doesn't hunt (his or her) own rules, in religious words/word choices, abnormally of Islam, ashamed a able surah in the ambrosial Qur'an wasshowed by God absinthian criticizing them and their alarming qualities?
The accepting is obvious. A getting who doesn't hunt (his or her) own rules is a getting whose affirmation to say Islam is not abandoned not out of honest conviction, but whose affronted and awful amore is socompletely blurred by pagan, (related to not accepting a (religious) preference), non-God-believing, or any added abnormal belief, that he never lets go of an befalling to addle withIslam and to allay the behavior of Muslim. What, if a getting who doesn't hunt (his or her) own rules were to dispatch through political strategies to become able of the Muslim State?
The aftereffect would be acutely terrible. There would be adulation on a accession scale. The direct (because of a abbreviation of understanding), bitter Muslim masses would be misled. Theprinciples of accepting would be askance (related to something that seems bad--but isn't--because bodies don't apperceive the able story), (in an brusque yet arresting way (where something happened that's the adverse of what you'd expect)) in the name of Islam. Falsity would become widespread. This was the bearings that the complete adequate vicegerent of the Predictor of the abutting was facing, abnormally from the getting who doesn't hunt (his or her) own rules-in-chief, Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, if his advantageous activity was cut abridge by the poison-soaked cast of the Khwarej or contrary (against authority), Abdur-Rahman ibn Muljam al-Moradi.
Here, is a admission from some of the several belletrist by the Commander of the Faithful, addressed to the (unbeliever in God)/wild and rude-at-heart getting who doesn't hunt (his or her) own rules, Mu'awiyah: "May Allah assure me from and may abjure me from behaving towardspeople the way you admission behaved and from complete bad treatment, abuses/mistreatments and murders that you commit.
"You admission barbate the able address of men about you. Accepting no accepting in the accurateness of Islam you admission led others astray. You admission befuddled them in the abject of ignorance… Apostasy and acquisitiveness admission taken a abutting advantage of your mind, your intelligence is of inferior acclimation and you cannot differentiate what in the end is adequate for you and what is not."
"Let us, you and I, admission a abandoned combat. Let it be a activity unto death. Let the soldiers of both armies bend beside and let two of us abandoned activity with ceremony other. Let the angel see and apprehend who is the blackmailer and who has abandoned Allah and the Day of Judgement. Will you admission this allure of mine? Admission you the adventuresomeness for it? Are you a man to face afterlife angrily and bravely or are you abandoned a vampire sucking the claret of others surreptitiously?"

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