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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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Hazrat Kazim A.S

Kadhimiya Angelic Altar was and is still a abode amidst by the angelic angels, and a acceptable neighbor; admired by advisers and pious people. It is the august breadth breadth kings and sultans angle afore in reverence; breadth the abstract account yields in submission; breadth wishes are able by Allah. It is a atom breadth the Divine Mercy and Blessings descend, by which all hearts are enchanted. Hence, it is aces of getting the affection of Kadhimiya and acme of Baghdad.
It welcomes the visitors, from far and near, who are anxious for it, acclamation them with its domes that are brighter than the sun and its aureate minarets extending top in the sky. It is as if they are calling visitors to the abode breadth wishes are able and prayers are answered with the will of Allah. It is absolutely the abode breadth the afflicted get abatement and breadth the afflicted resort and afresh go aback to their humans in joy…

It is the paradise of Musa Al-Kadhim [AS] and Mohammed Al-Jawad [AS


SHAHADAT IMAM MUSA KAZIM (a.s) 05-06-2013 such tv by Suchtv Quraish Cemetery, amid at the west coffer of Baghdad, has, over history, acquired a appropriate account and altered grandeur, afterwards the burying of the Imam Musa bin Jaafar Al-Kadhim [AS], and afterwards his grandson Imam Mohammed bin Ali Al-Jawad [AS]. The two angelic graves admiring so abounding hearts for visits, and loyal souls were angry to assemble a arresting architectonics for the two angelic graves.
The groups of visitors who buck adherence to Imamate never able to flow; hence, it was all-important to accept volunteers to serve the Angelic Haram and ensure the superior of casework offered to visitors.
Construction affiliated progressing, in animosity of the catastrophes experienced, till it angry to be a abundant city-limits encompassing a antiseptic Haram actualization as its pole. Later, the city-limits was accepted as Kadhimi Angelic Shrine, Al-Kadhim City, Kadhimiya, and Kadhimain city, all names afterwards the Imam. Though decades passed, this city-limits is still getting visited and inhabited by people.
The architectonics of the Angelic Altar of the two Imams [AS] anesthetized through abounding stages. At the easily of alternating generations, the Angelic Altar has witnessed alternating improvements anytime since. All the humans who wrote on this Angelic City, in general, and the Angelic Shrine, in particular, advised the renovations of the building.
Among those who wrote on this accountable was the arresting bookish Sheikh Mohammed Aal-Yaseen in his book (History of the Kadhimi Shrine) which was accounted to be the a lot of admired bequest that advised the history of this angelic city-limits and, therefore, was alleged as a advertence to address these lines.
The architectonics of the Kadhimain Angelic Altar is a arresting one in which the art of the Islamic architectonics and the Muslim ability of adroitness and adroitness are embodied. Heaps of gold, argent and apply coruscate in every ancillary of it. On the walls and ceilings beam the tiny mirrors cautiously adapted calm to bout the added surrounding decorations, speaking for themselves, apery a masterpiece, absolutely incomparable in the apple of architecture.
These represent the aspect of the minds of hundreds of artists and architects over altered times and from altered places, who exerted their utmost, apprenticed by their acceptance in their Imams. These minds were accurate by abundance of bags of affluent humans including kings, sultans and merchants in adjustment to accept this House of Allah constructed, abnormally if this abode contains two tombs for two associates of Ahlul-Bait [AS]. The after-effects of these minds and diplomacy concluded with this a lot of adored building.
Khadhimiya at a Glance
In 145 H. (approx. 762 AD), Al-Mansoor, the Abbasside caliph, started the foundation of the annular city-limits "Baghdad". Architectonics completed, as anecdotal by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, in 146 H, admitting the abundant wall, the moat that amidst the city, and added requirements were able in 149 H.
Finishing the architectonics of the city, Al-Mansoor assigned the breadth adjoining to his city-limits from the arctic as a cemetery. Perhaps, he assigned it to be clandestine for his own family, and later, it was alleged "Quraish Cemetery", and sometimes referred to as "Hashim Clan Cemetery". In his book Al-Irshad, Sheikh Al-Mufeed declared that it was a cemetery endemic by Hashim Clan and the notables in general.
The aboriginal man active in that cemetery was Jaafar s/o Al-Mansoor, the Caliph, in 150 H. (approx. 767 AD). Afresh burials affiliated in the cemetery.
On 25th Rajab, 183 H. (approx. 31st Aug., 799 AD), Imam Musa Al-Kadhim [AS] was berserk to afterlife by Al-Sindi bin Shahik, beneath orders from Haroon Al-Rashid, the Abbasside caliph. His authentic body was taken to Quraish Cemetery for burial, and his angelic tomb is amid at the aforementioned place, accepted afterwards as Kadhimiya.
Some historians mentioned that he was active in a abode that he purchased before, aural the said cemetery.
Al-Kadhim's tomb was afresh acclaimed for the name "Babul-Tibn Tomb", apropos to Babul-Tibn commune which was amid to the east, in the about of the River Tigris. Moreover, the abbey adjoining the tomb was aswell alleged "Babul-Tibn Mosque".
At the end of Thul-Qi'da, 220 H. (approx. 25th Nov., 835 AD), Imam Mohammed Al-Jawad [AS], the grandson of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim [AS] was murdered and active next to his grandfather.
The breadth began to be more inhabited, afterward the burying of the two Imams. Apprenticed by their able acceptance in the two Imams, humans began to abide about the tombs, for accouterment protection, administering and abode for the advancing visitors
The accession about the tombs represented the basis of Kadhimiya City; besides the actuality that the bounded website of Quraish Cemetery neighbored the River Tigris, added villages and rural areas and orchards. Moreover, the clay in that breadth was fertile.
The actual accounts accessible on the Aboriginal Abbasside Era, accompaniment that this breadth witnessed accelerated development and became inseparable allotment of Baghdad, or even a commune of it. Hence, it became densely busy with a lot of buildings, as in added districts of Baghdad.
In 334 H. (approx. 835 AD), Mu'izil-Dawla Al-Buwaihi controlled the government of Baghdad. One of his achievements during his administering was the architectonics of the Kadhimi Altar in a admirable way. He assigned some soldiers from Daylam to activity account and advance security.
A aftereffect of advancement aegis and addition Quraish Cemetery to Baghdad was that humans in abundant numbers started to appear on Fridays and on religious occasions such the anniversaries of the affliction of Imam Hussein [AS] and Ghadeer Day and the like.
Throughout alternating periods of history, the city-limits was apparent to floods, abnormally in 367 H., 466 H., 554 H., 569 H., 614 H., 646 H., and 654 H. (approx. 977, 1073, 1159, 1173, 1217, 1248 and 1256 AD respectively). The 614 H. flood abominably damaged the Kadhimi Altar architectonics and the city. Al-Nasir Liddenillah started reconstructing the amercement acquired by the flood. He aswell congenital a new bank for the Altar in 614 H.
The Abbasside Era delayed and the city-limits affiliated to be a altered commune with acceptable barrio and densely inhabited, accepting a abundant bank and added requirements of any added city-limits including houses and population. It had aswell two arch men authoritative the diplomacy of the Angelic Altar and the city-limits besides the arch man of Allawis (descendents of Prophet Mohammed).
In 656 H. (approx. 1258 AD), the Mongolian army besieged Baghdad and it was active on Monday, about the 18th Muharram. The activity was accompanied by a amount of sabotages and disasters.
With the accession of the 8th century, the city-limits had abundant stepped advanced in progress, booming with citizenry and visitors. Hamdallah Al-Mustawfi, from the alpha of the 8th Hijri Century, declared the city-limits saying: "It is a baby city-limits of a ambit of about six thousand steps, with a citizenry of six thousand people.
At the alpha of the 10th Century, Kadhimiya entered its new era in agreement of centralized authoritative independence. The city-limits became of a acclaimed article and played its own role in the accepted affairs. In 914 H. (approx. 1508 AD), Safawis active Iraq. Shah Ismael Al-Safawi visited Kadhimiya and gave orders to set up a appropriate administering for the city, and an Islamic cloister headed by a adjudicator with the appellation (Sheikh Al-Islam). He aswell ordered to re-construct the Kadhimi Altar in a baroque way, and assigned salaries for the admiral and agents of the Shrine.
In 1302 H. (approx. 1884 AD), Brag. Hidayat Pasha, administrator of the 6th Military Corps of Turkey ordered to install a board arch arch beyond the River Tigris to hotlink Kadhimiya and Aadamiya. In this way, Kadhimiya was affiliated to the eastern allotment of Baghdad too. In 1318 H. (approx. 1900 AD), the cornerstone of Kadhimiya Sarai (governmental administering offices) was laid.
Over its continued lifetime, Kadhimiya gave bearing to a abundant amount of Advisers of Fiqh, writers, poets, intellects, and physicians. The city-limits aswell had a amount of religious schools which offered classes in Islamic sciences. They were abounding of acceptance and teachers. The a lot of arresting academy was Mohsin Al-Aaraji Academy which was founded at the appearance of the 13th Hijri century. The city-limits aswell had some abundant libraries, abounding of references and manuscripts. It was said that the aboriginal Iraqi rock columnist was founded in Kadhimiya in 1237 H. (approx. 1821 AD). This accomplishment came at the top of the bookish activities account of the city-limits in the aboriginal allotment of the thirteenth century.
The a lot of acclaimed political attitude of Kadhimiya City-limits was the one taken during the Aboriginal Apple War appear the British activity of Iraq. On 20th Thul-Hijja, 1332 H. (approx. 8th Nov., 1914), the notables of Basra alleged the religious advisers of Kadhimiya for help. The advisers appear a Fatwa (religious order) that the angelic defence is binding on every Muslim.
On Tuesday, 12th Muharram, 1333 H. (approx. 30th Nov., 1914), the bookish Sayyid Mehdi Al-Haydari accompanied by some fighters larboard for the battlefield. The able humans of the city-limits aggregate to see off the advance of Jihad. The advancing advisers from Najaf and Kerbalaa branch for the battlefield were able-bodied accustomed and apparent off to the battle.
The British army active Kadhimiya on the 17th Jamada Ola, 1335 H. (approx. 11th March, 1917). Hence, a continued Ottoman activity age concluded to alpha with addition occupation. Afterward the British occupation, Kadhimiya did not stop activity adjoin the occupiers with all actual and moral admiral available; a actuality which was bright in Miss Bell's belletrist if she wrote: "There's a accumulation of these worthies in Kadhimain, the angelic city, 8 afar from Bagdad, bitterly pan-Islamic, anti-British". Philip Ireland, on the added hand, declared that the anti-British activity in Kadhimiya was so able that the religious advisers threatened that all those who vote in favor of the British activity would be advised apostate.
Aboriginal construction, anon afterwards the affliction of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim [AS] in 183 H. (approx. 799 AD)
Second construction, afterward the activity of Baghdad by Mu'izil-Dawla Al-Buwaihi in 336 H. (approx. 947 AD).
Third construction, in the year 450 H. (approx. 1058 AD), afterward a blaze in 443 H. (approx. 1041 AD), in the deathwatch of a bigoted movement which concluded with afire the angelic shrine. This third architectonics is alleged Al-Basaseeri Construction.
Fourth construction: By Majdul-Malik Al-Qummi in 490 H. (approx. 1097). It was not absolutely architectonics in the broadest faculty of the word; In fact, some new utilities were added to the beforehand construction.
Fifth construction: Al-Nasir Liddenillah architectonics in 575 H. (approx. 1179) and the years that followed. In fact, it was an amplification with a lot of utilities added during and afterwards the continued administering of Al-Nasir. This was the final and the a lot of majestic architectonics anytime able during the Abbasside age.
In 769 H. (approx. 1367 AD), Sultan Uwais Al-Jala'iri reconstructed the Altar which was abounding of cracks due to alternating after-effects of floods. He congenital two domes and two minarets and ordered to accept two marble boxes placed on the Angelic Graves. He aswell ordered to adorn the Haram (the interior) with blush tiles on which some Suras of the Angelic Quran were inscribed.
In 914 H. (approx. 1508 AD) throughout the afterward years, Shah Ismael Al-Safawi, afterwards accession in Baghdad, started the architectonics and advance of the Angelic Shrine. He ordered to aggrandize the courtyard, pave the galleries with marble, accept two board boxes placed on the two Angelic graves. The able autogenous of the Haram and its exoteric edges were busy with blush tiles on which verses of the Angelic Quran and some dates were inscribed. He ordered to add two minarets, so that minarets would be four instead of two. Addition adjustment was issued for the architectonics Al-Safawi Abbey (currently alleged Al-Jawadain Mosque), a admirable abbey to the arctic of the Haram, anon affiliated to it. Some added requirements were able such as carpets, lanterns, application of some servants, Quran reciters and Muazins (Prayer callers). Thus was the architectonics of the anatomy of Haram, courtyard and galleries. It is the aforementioned anatomy that we acquisition today.
In 941 H. (approx. 1534 AD), Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanooni baffled Baghdad afterwards removing the Safawis' reign. He issued an adjustment to complete some of the accessory requirements which were not able by the Safawis.
In 978 H. (approx. 1570 AD), the minaret at the north-east ancillary of the angelic architectonics was constructed. The foundations of the four aloft minarets had been already laid during the Safawis' reign.
In 1032 H. (approx. 1622 AD), Shah Abbas the Great, Al-Safawi, active Baghdad again. He visited the Kadhimain Altar and issued an adjustment to clean what was broke by wars and ataxia and negligence. He aswell ordered a huge animate anatomy to be installed to awning the two boxes as aegis adjoin lootings that ability action during battles or attacks by the tribes adjoin the city. Due to political astriction amid Iran and Turkey at that time, the accession of the animate anatomy was delayed and it alone accustomed in 1115 H. (approx. 1307 AD).
In 1045 H., Shah Safi bin Abbas Al-Safawi, fabricated some renovations in the Shrine's building, abnormally deepening the foundations of the aloft minarets.
In 1207 H., plan was accepted with architectonics in beheading of orders issued by Agha Mohammed Shah Al-Qajari to abide the plan disconnected by the Safawis. The architectonics of the three added aloft minarets was accomplished. A advanced courtyard encompassing the Haram from three sides, the eastern, southern and western, was constructed. The Abundant Abbey was annexed to the Haram from the north. The breadth of the courtyard was laid out as it is begin today.
In 1211 H. (approx. 1796), Shah Fath-Ali-Shah undertook added works afterward the afterlife of Al-Qajari, including: block the interiors of the two domes with gold, enamel, and black bottle pieces. All the walls were busy with tiny pieces of mirrors anchored on copse starting from the strips on which Quranic verses were inscribed up to the ceiling.
In 1229 H. (approx. 1814 AD), the two domes and the four baby minarets were gilded. This was the a lot of important accomplishment of that Shah.
In 1255 H. (approx. 1839 AD), the baby Iwan (gatehouse) of access to the arcade of the southern balustrade was gilded and it was sponsored by Manujahr Khan who was accepted as Mu'tamad Al-Dawla.
Aswell in 1255 H., Sultan Mahmood II, beatific the Prophetic Blind to the Angelic Altar as a present. The blind was fabricated of abstract cottony and was laid to awning the graves on Al-Qadr Night, during Angelic Ramadhan of the aforementioned year.
In 1270 H., Nasiruddin Shah Al-Qajari, the King of Iran, beatific one of the arresting advisers of the time, Sheikh Abdul-Hussein Al-Tahrani, accepted as Sheikh Al-Iraqain, to Iraq to administer the beheading of absolute architectural affairs for the Angelic shrines including renovations, restorations and beautifications. He accepted him abounding ascendancy to act and absorb finances.
In the year 1281 H. (approx. 1864 AD), architectonics started at the Kadhimain Altar including the alien walls of the Haram; these were coated with asphalt artery and the architectonics of a beam was accurate by 22 columns. This was alleged (Babul-Murad Porch). The abundant abode of this balustrade was gilded. Addition beam was complete and accurate by 14 columns, to the west and was alleged Babul-Qibla Porch. Works were able in 1285 H. afterwards assuming all appropriate renovations. Afterwards that the Angelic Altar absolutely became aberrant in art, aesthetics, addition and perfection.
In 1296 H. (approx. 1879 AD), Prince Farhad Merza Al-Qajari, the uncle of the King of Iran Nasiruddin Shah donated funds to absorb on a massive activity including the architectonics of analytical vaults for burials, blanket the four aloft minarets with gold starting from the atom breadth the Muazzin (prayer caller) stands up to the peak, and the architectonics of a top bank for the courtyard consisting of two floors. Along the arena attic of the bank were congenital 76 apartment surrounding the courtyard. Two huge alarm building were installed aloft the two capital gates (Babul-Qibla and Babul-Murad). All these works were able in 1301 H. (approx. 1883 AD).
These two clocks were removed due to their abundant weights that ability affect the architectonics of the two gates. One belfry was afterwards complete for a alarm amid to the appropriate of Babul-Qibla and it is advised one of the a lot of arresting appearance of Kadhimiya Angelic Shrine. This belfry consists of a aboveboard abject with four walls, all tiled with asphalt artery on which verses of Quran were inscribed, busy with Islamic arabesque. On anniversary ancillary of the four walls of the tower, a alarm was mounted.
In 1332 H. (approx. 1914 AD), the western balustrade (called Quraish Porch) was constructed. The beam was accurate by 18 columns and busy with arabesque. Al-Aala Sura was absolutely inscribed on the asphalt bricks.
Today, afterward the asleep administration which paid no absorption to the angelic places, including Kadhimain Altar which was about absolutely alone and larboard to deterioration, the Angelic Altar appropriate renovations and maintenance. With the Will of Allah, the loyal believers started projects of architectonics and development and plan undertaken by the Secretary Accepted of the Angelic Altar is still afoot. The said projects amounted to about 100 projects, including but not bound to:
Maintenance and re-gilding the tombs of the two Imams [AS], replacing the tomb metal structure, accretion the Haram, aliment of the tomb metal structures of Sheikh Al-Mufeed and Sheikh Al-Toosi, replacing the argent and board gates of the porches with aureate ones which are nine in number, architectonics of a new courtyard to the arctic over an breadth of 7000 aboveboard meters, tiling the arena of the courtyard, tiling gatehouses with accept tiles, advancement the apartment of the courtyard and admiral rooms, architectonics of the gates and entrances of the courtyard, installing new three gates, the activity of Sahib-Al-Zaman courtyard to the west, Imam Ali courtyard which is adjoining to the new accustomed courtyard, and the bathrooms project.
These connected projects aim at the aliment and development of this Angelic Abode which is more visited by Muslims from all over the world. So there was a abundant charge to accomplish new account and germ-free utilities, in the beginning of which was the broadcast courtyard to the north, so that the anytime accretion amount of visitors would be appropriately served; back our adage is "To serve visitors is our honor".

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