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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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» » Description of the Angelic Altar of Imam Ali (peace be aloft him )
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Description of the Angelic Altar of Imam Ali
(peace be aloft him )

Derived From Valuable Actual Sources

Many arresting actual sources as able-bodied as Arab and adopted travellers allocution about the characteristics of the architectonics of the angelic altar of Imam Ali ( accord be aloft him ), decidedly during the administration of Baron Saffi, grandson of baron Abbas I , who cared actual abundant for the architectonics and advance of the antiseptic shrine.
During the time of this king, the altar was characterized, in allegory with added architectures, by its grandeur, accurateness of planning and architectural skill, a accomplishment which is still hasty to the engineers of the present time. They are puzzled, clumsy to apperceive the abstruse abaft such a admirable construction, congenital by architects and accomplished builders at that time, that the apex time can alone be bent through the effective architectonics of the angelic altar throughout the year.
What still hasty to them is the a lot of adroit assurance of the sunlight animated over the antiseptic shrine. It is adapted with top accurateness and amazing skill. Similarly, the three surrounding walls are fabricated with the aforementioned accurateness and acumen to denote to phenomena whose affidavit are not accepted yet. There are still added secrets to be abundant out afterwards in accession place.
Now, the aboriginal bank is 17 m top and 77 m continued pointing arise the arctic while it is 72 m continued arise the west. It is congenital of two layers that are according in the amount of the vaults (i.e. angled roofs) and rooms, which are one hundred in number.
This bank is erected annular an about aboveboard acreage alleged the Sahn (the courtyard) and coated with white marble in adjustment to actualize adored beauty. What makes it even added adored are the ornaments fabricated by accomplished labour and artificers in such a way that they would allure the absorption of every accession into the place, and ample him/ her with account and admiration.
The alfresco of the bank is busy with alluringly coloured stones and the edges are engraved with some alleged verses from the Koran accounting in arresting handwriting.
The top attic of the bank is committed to the abode of advisers of Islamism and their teachers. Some apartment are still accepted by the names of those who acclimated to reside in once. One of the rooms, breadth the atonement Ardabeely ( God may absolve his soul) acclimated to reside in, is still locked, and no one anytime capital to absorb it afterwards him.
The balustrade (or Ruwaq , in Arabic) is amidst from all abandon by what is accepted as the Ruhba (i.e. a collapsed breadth accessible to all abandon except to the west, breadth it is covered with a top roof that is accessible to air in the average with a annular gap. At the eastern end of the Ruhba lies the Bahu (i.e. a anteroom for accessible affairs and dining, etc.).
In the gilded vault, the beam and walls are coated with authentic Ibrezian gold. At the bend of the vault, there are two minarets, the ambit of anniversary is 8 m . with a bore of 2.5 m.; the abject of anniversary minaret contains 4000 aureate artery (see Past of Najaf. P: 52). These two minarets are 35 m . high; at the top of anniversary there are admirable inscriptions of some verses from the Friday Sura in the Koran.
On both abandon of the aboideau there, there is inscribed a Persian composition in acclaim of Amir al-Mu'minin accounting by Sayyid 'Arafi (died in 999 A .H.). This can be acutely told from the brand of the one who inscribed the poem, Mohammad jaafar el- Asfahani, breadth he recorded the date mentioned above. However, this has been removed by adjustment of the aloft administration of Saddam Hussein.
On the aforementioned gate, there are four curve of balladry accounting in Arabic, to the appropriate of the gilded accessory of the gate. As anon as you access into the aboideau there will arise two curve of balladry on the larboard and accession two on the right.
When you attending carefully at the top of the vault, you will apprehension the date by which the Threshold (in advertence to the angelic altar as a whole) and the two minarets were gilded, by adjustment of Sultan Nadir Shah.
The alien faces and beam of the balustrade are anesthetized with the finest shapes of bottle absorption the accomplishment and art of the artificer who fabricated them.
This balustrade contains 3 doors; one opens to the arctic adverse to the Toosi's Gate. In band with it there is accession aperture that opens to the south adverse to the Ka'aba (in Mecca ), and a third aperture in the gilded basement (see ibid: 52-3).
The third bank is of the aforementioned acme as the added two walls. It surrounds a aboveboard breadth of 13 m . long, in the average of which there lies the honourable tomb. Hence it is alleged the 'Holy Field'. The alfresco of the bank is busy with all accomplishment and splendour with the finest mosaic, and anesthetized colourfully with admirable ornaments.
The attic is paved with bland marble in accession to its sides, which are covered with the finest marble at an arm's breadth from the ground.
The bank contains 5 doors; two accessible arise the west pointing to the arch of the tomb, but not accessible to the porch. According to Jaafar Mahbouba (Najaf in the Past and Today, P: 53), those two doors had been removed and replaced by an old argent abrade which acclimated to be aloft the angelic tomb. However, he does not acknowledgment why they were removed. Beyond these doors, there is a window fabricated of copper. Arise the east, there are two added argent doors at the anxiety administration of the tomb. The fifth one which is fabricated of chestnut lying abaft the tomb. It is these doors that acclimated to be arch to and out of the angelic field. Nevertheless, this door, the fifth one, was removed in 1366 A .H. and replaced by the added two that had been at the arch administration of the tomb.
In the average of the antiseptic acreage stands the abstract tomb beneath a box fabricated of adored wood, bizarre with ivory and inscriptions from the angelic Koran, and amidst by two grates, one fabricated of adamant and the added fabricated of silver.
Sublime over the bank stands the adored dome, argent with gold. It is 35 m . top with a ambit of 50 m ., its bore is about 16 m . The ambit from the top of the arch to the roofs of the Sahn (the Courtyard) is 42 m . The amount of the artery use in the masonry of the arch is 13000 ones, as was adumbrated by Shaikh Murtadha el- Gailani el-Najafi in 1363 9see ibid:55).

Some appearance of the Altar (or the Threshold , as it is alleged sometimes in advertence to the angelic altar as whole) accept been removed during the administration of the aloft regime. These are the curve of balladry inscribed at the top of the gate, ahead mentioned, and aswell the aureate belt surrounding the dome, etc

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