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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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Why the Tomb of Amir al-Mu'minin (PBUH) was Hidden

The abhorrence and animosity of the Quraishis appear Imam Ali ceramics abundant because of his attitude in the aboriginal Islamic wars whereby he dead their fighters and VIPs in aegis of Islam. Therefore, they were cat-and-mouse for every adventitious to yield animus and advance him. Moreover, cipher was in agnosticism in what Bani Ummayyad and afterwards Bani El-Abbas ability do in their acrimony to Amir el-Mu'minin and the beginning of his tomb. Hence, he recommended camouflage his tomb lest it should be exhumed and bedridden as he knew that affairs would be in favour of Bani U'mmayyad afterwards on. In this respect, it is declared (Farhat El-Ghary, P:25) that:
This apprenticed that he should be entombed secretly for abhorrence that Bani 'Ummayyad and their assembly and the Khawarijits [the Outsiders] would disclose the tomb so that Banu Hashim (a affiliated area to which Imam Ali belongs) would not acquire that and they ability action for it; something which he himself had banned in his life, so how could he be acquiesce it afterwards his death?

The Sayyid Bin Tawous goes on adage that “in camouflage the grave, there were numerable allowances we do not apperceive in details". Simultaneously, Bin Abbas retells that" the agent of God (PBUH) told Ali that the acreage of Kuffan would be honoured by the latter's tomb …, afresh Ali said in wonder, Oh, Agent of Allah, a tomb in Kuffan? The Astrologer answered, Yes, Ali; you'll be entombed aloft Kuffan amid the Ghariyain and the white walls [or Rocks] (Ibid; 37-8).
Hence, according to Muntakhab El-Tawarikh (i.e. A Selection of Dates) (P: 291), if Bani 'Ummayyad became the rulers of Islam themselves, El-Hajjaj El- Thaqaffi, an Iraqi prince during the ‘Ummayyad reign, ordered to dig 3000 graves aloft Kooffan, i.e. in Najaf, analytic formthe Imam Ali's corpse.
In appearance of the aloft mentioned, no one knew the area of the tomb except his sons and birth (peace be aloft them) and those entrusted a allotment of his supporters and proponents from the Shiites.

The Revelation of the Honourable Tomb and its Graces

The sons and birth of Amir el-Mu'minin (PBUT) committed to the will of their ancestor so that the area of the antiseptic tomb remained alien to everybody except to a assertive amount of the abutting supporters.
After Bani 'Ummayyad administration had collapsed down, and Bani El-Abbas taken over, ambuscade the tomb was no best the case, and the abstruse began to be appear to the a lot of affectionate a allotment of the Shiites who believed in God and his messenger, admired and followed the messenger's breed in their charge to the angelic ballad in the Koran. "Say, I do not ask for fee for the bulletin but affection to the ancestors ".

At that time, the tomb, according to arresting actual sources, was just a albino mound.
It is declared that Dawood Bin Ali El-Abbasi (died in 132 AH.) approved to apperceive the abstruse of the tomb, so, he beatific a mission of some of his accurate servants, a allotment of these there was a atramentous man accepted for his ample concrete strength. They began digging until they accomplished a solid bedrock that chock-full them from accomplishing so. Then, they asked the atramentous assistant to get down the dug aperture to try his luck in digging. As anon as he set a draft to the rock, he heard a abundant sound. He hit the bedrock afresh and afresh until they heard him shouting and calling for advice to get him out. They approved to apperceive what was traveling on, but, the atramentous assistant did not absolute a word. He kept bashful in dismay, and afresh his beef began to scatter. This account accomplished Dawood Bin Ali who captivated his accord and reburied the grave putting a board box over it. Since then, abounding changes and aliment were done to the tomb.

First, the Architectonics of the Tomb by Haroon El-Rashid

This is advised to be the aboriginal architectonics of the tomb, done by the Abbaside Caliph, Haroon El-Rashid. According to Umdet El- Talib (i.e. The Trusted Source for the Scholar) (P: 42), the acumen that the Absolutist ordered to body up the tomb was that the closing was out, one day, hunting at a area aloft Kufa and there were abundant zebras and deer about the place. Whenever he beatific out his hawks and dogs for hunting, the chased animals took apartment at a albino bank whereby the hawks and dogs would burden from. This happens several times so that the Absolutist became abundantly surprised. He approved to apperceive what was traveling on. So, he alleged for experts and those absorbed in such affairs in Kufa. They told him that beneath the mound, there lies the grave of Amir al- M'minin, Ali Bin Abi Talib.

The absolutist abrupt to arouse the a lot of accomplished masons and artificers and ordered them to body a arresting arch over the abode with four gates. They acclimated red adobe in architectonics it up and put a blooming jar on top of it, while they congenital the altar with white artery (for added advice accredit to Irshad el- Kuloob, i.e. Guidance of Hearts) by El- Daylami; Riyadh el- Siyaha, (i.e. Meadows of Tourism) by Zainul Abidin el- Shirawani; and Nizhat el- Kuloob, (i.e. The Hearts' Picnic) by Ahmedolla el-Mustawfi.
It is account adage that all arresting sources of history are of the assessment that Haroon el-Rashid was the aboriginal who appear the clandestineness of the tomb and congenital it up, acceptance pilgrims to appointment it.

Second, the Architectonics by the Sagheer Da’iya (i.e. the Little

This is done on adjustment of Mohammad Bin Zaid Bin Mohammad Ismail Bin el-Hassan Bin Zaid Bin el-Hassan accepted as the Little Herald. He was baron of Tabrstan for added than seventeen years and afresh dead in 287 AH. He ordered to body a dome, a bank and a acropolis with seventy arches.
It is account advertence that the architectonics of the altar can be advised to be as a abstract abnormality if you apperceive that Imam Jaafar Assadiq (PBUH), a brood of the prophet, told his assembly about it with every detail tens of years afore then.
Throughout afterwards periods, some aliment and additions took abode to the building, as those fabricated by Omar Bin Yahya of Kufa (see el-Noori, Mustadraq el-Wasa'el, P:3/435). Moreover, Ibn Hawqal states in his book entitled, Suret el- Ardh (i.e. Image of the Earth) (P: 43) that there had been about-face of the altar afore that of Adhud el-Dawla. Similarly, Abul Hayjaa' Abdulla Bin Hamdan besieged the abode absolutely and ordered a great, abstract arch to be congenital over the tomb, with doors accessible to all admonition (see Ibn Abul Hadeed, Nahjul Balaagha, 2/ 54-64).

Third, the Architectonics by Adhud el-Dawla

The altar was admired as the admiration of architectonics at that time. It is declared in Irshad el-Kuloob (Part II, P: 148) that Adhud el-Dawla ordered to clean the old building. He active the a lot of accomplished masons and architects. He fabricated a admirable masonry which remained until the year 338 AH. (see Riyadh el- Siyaha, P:309). However, it is mentioned in The History of Tabrstan (P: 224) that it remained until the year 753 AH.

Ibn Battouta, the traveller, adherent a accomplished allotment of his adventure to allocution about Najaf which he visited in 727 AH. He describes the boondocks and its markets and schools, and the backing that the Honourable Sahn contains. Afresh he speaks about the keepers of the altar and what they do to the visitors (pilgrims) advancing from assorted areas. Furthermore, he gives a abounding description of the blind lamps and the Mastaba (i.e. the terrace) and the actual with which it was coated. He aswell mentions its acme and the tombs begin there, adage that "they affirmation that one of these tombs is that of Adam (PBUH), the added is that of Noah (PBUH), and the third is that of Ali Bib Abi Talib (God Be Pleased with Him). In addition, he describes the pans fabricated of gold and argent abounding with rose water, musk and fragrances of assorted types and how the visitors dip their easily in them to rub their faces for blesses.

No one can abjure the favour that Adhud el-Dawla acquired in the architectonics of the Shrine. But, added Buwayhiyin princes and ministers, and aswell the Hamdaniyins forth with some of Bani el- Abbas who were affectionate to the astrologer and his breed had aswell done repairs, restorations, developments and aesthetic touches to the architectonics of the shrine.

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