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Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Al Kalam Al Tayyeb is the saying of a Momin - There is not God by Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah and Ali is the Wali of Allah and Successor of Prophet of Allah" [Source: Tafseer Al Qummi Vol.2 Pg. 208], ""EVERYDAY IS A S H U R A AND EVERY LAND IS K A R B A L A."", Narrated to me my father (ra), from Abdullah bin al-Hasan al-Muaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali al-Asbhani, from Ibraheem bin Muhammad al-Saqafi, from Muhammad bin Dawood al-Denoori, from Manzar al-Ashari, from Saeed bin Zayd, from Abi Qanbl, from Abi Jarood, from Saeed bin Jabeer, from Ibn Abbas, from Prophet (saww): Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: "The ring on the door of paradise is made of red yaqoot placed upon planks of gold. When the ring knocks upon the planks, it rings and says "Ya Ali (as)" [Source: Amaali - Sheikh Sadooq, Majalis. 86, Hadees. 13]

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Husayn ibn 'Ali

Husayn ibn 'Ali

Husayn ibn 'Ali

Al-Husayn ibn 'Ali Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada 

(Peace be Upon him) 

Name: al-Husayn. 

Title: Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada'. 

Agnomen: Abu 'Abdillah. 

Father' s name: 'Ali Amir al-Mu'minin. 

Mother's name:Fatimah (Daughter of the Holy Prophet). 

Conception: In Medina on Thursday, 3rd Sha'ban 4 AH. 

Passing: Martyred in Karbala' (Iraq) at 57 years old, on Friday, 10th Muharram 61 AH and covered there.

In the House of the Holy Prophet, which displayed the best picture of both the universes - the paradise and the earth- a youngster who profited humankind as though he was a Divine Impression mirroring the earth, was conceived on one of the evenings of the month of Sha'ban. His dad was Imam 'Ali, the best model of generosity towards his companions and the most daring against the foes of Islam, and his mom was Hadrat Fatimah, the main girl and offspring of the Holy Prophet, who had as generally recognized, acquired the characteristics of her dad. Imam Husayn, is the third Apostolic Imam. At the point when the uplifting news of his introduction to the world came to the Holy Prophet, he went to his girl's home, took the recently conceived tyke in his arms, presented adhan and iqamah in his privilege and left ears separately, and on the 7th day of his introduction to the world, in the wake of performing the customs of 'aqlqah, named him al-Husayn, in consistence with Allah's charge. 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas relates: "On the very day when Imam Husayn was conceived, Allah requested holy messenger Gabriel to plunge and salute the Holy Prophet on His Behalf and all alone.

While plummeting, Gabriel ignored an island where the holy messenger Futrus had been exiled because of his deferral in executing a commission doled out by Allah. He was denied of his wings and ousted to the island where he stayed for quite a while begging and loving Allah and requesting His pardoning. "At the point when the heavenly attendant Futrus saw Gabriel, he got out, " Where are you going, O Gabriel?' To this he answered, " Husayn, the grandson of Muhammad is conceived, and for this very reason Allah has told me to pass on His congrats to His Apostle.' Thereupon, the holy messenger said, " Can you convey me likewise alongside you? Might Muhammad prescribe my case to Allah.' Gabriel brought the holy messenger alongside him, went to the Holy Prophet, offered congrats to him in the interest of Allah and himself and alluded the instance of the heavenly attendant to him.

The Holy Prophet said to Gabriel, 'Request that the holy messenger touch the assortment of the recently conceived kid and come back to his spot in Heaven.' On doing this, the point re-acquired his wings immediately and commending the Holy Prophet and his recently conceived grandson, climbed towards the Heaven. Hasan and Husayn, the two children of the Holy Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib and Hadrat Fatimah, our Lady of Light, were regarded and venerated as the 'Pioneers of the Youths of Paradise' as expressed by the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be Upon him and his offspring, had transparently forecasted that the confidence of Islam would be safeguarded by his second grandson Husayn, when Yazid, child of Mu'awiayh, would try to wreck it. Yazid was known for his malevolent character and brutish behavior.

He was known as the most vulgar of men. The individuals having known and comprehended the character of Yazid, framed a pledge by which Mu'awiyah couldn't choose Yazid as his successor. This endeavor was given by Mu'awiyah to Imam Hasan from whom Mu`awiyah had grabbed force. Mu'awiyah disregarded this endeavor and named Yazid who succeeded his dad. Promptly as he came to power, Yazid started acting in full understanding with his known character. He began meddling in the essentials of the confidence and honed each bad habit and naughtiness unreservedly with the most noteworthy level of exemption but held himself out as the successor of the Holy Prophet, requesting constancy to himself as the main aide of the confidence.

Paying faithfulness to Yazid was out and out recognizing the fallen angel as Cod. In the event that a heavenly identity like the blessed Imam Husayn had consented to his power, it would be really prescribing the demon to mankind set up of Cod. Yazid requested fidelity from the Holy Imam Husayn, who could have never consented to it at any expense. The individuals dreading demise and demolition because of the despot had respected him out of trepidation. Imam Husayn said that come what- ever might, he would never respect the villain set up of God and fix what his granddad, the Holy Prophet had built up. The refusal of the Holy Imam to pay fidelity to this beast, denoted the begin of the mistreatment of the Holy Imam. Accordingly he had resigned to Medina where he drove a confined life. Indeed, even here he was not permitted to live in peace, and was compelled to look for shelter in Mecca where additionally he was severely annoyed, and Yazid plotted to murder him in the very regions of the considerable haven of Ka'bah.

So as to defend the considerable haven, Imam Husayn chose to leave Mecca for Kufah only a day prior to tile haj (journey). At the point when approached the purpose behind the secretive takeoff from Mecca previous the pioneer  age which was just the following day Imam Husayn said that he would perform the current year's journey at Karbala', Offering the penance not of any creatures, but rather of his friends and relatives and some unwavering companions. He identified the names of his friends and relatives who might set out their lives with him in the considerable penance at Karbala'. The populace of Kufah becoming weary of the tyrannic and sinister principle of Yazid, had composed countless letters and sent emissaries to Imam Husayn to come over and issue them direction in confidence. In spite of the fact that Imam

Husayn knew a definitive end of the welcomes, he as the incredibly picked Imam couldn't decline to give the direction looked for. At the point when the Holy Imam with his escort had come to karbala', his stallion bafflingly halted and would not move any further. Upon this the heavenly Imam proclaimed: "This is the area, the place where there is sufferings and torments." He landed from his stallion, and requested his devotees to stay there saying: Here should we be martyred and our youngsters be slaughtered. Here should our tents be smoldered and our family captured. This is the area about which my granddad the Holy Prophet had anticipated, and his prediction will positively be satisfied." 

On the 7th of Muharram water supply to the lmam's carnp was cut and the torment of thirst and appetite began. the heavenly Imam's camp comprised of women, honest youngsters including children and some male individuals from the Holy prophet's family; alongside a little band of some loyal companions of Imam Husayn who had decided to pass on with the Holy Imam, battling against the demon for the reason for Allah.

The Day of 'Ashura (10th of Muharram): 

At day break the Imam looked over the armed force of Yazid and saw 'Umar ibn Sa'd requesting his strengths to walk to- wards him. He accumulated his devotees and tended to them in this manner: "Allah has, this day, allowed us to be occupied with a Holy War and He might compensate us for our affliction. So set yourselves up to battle against the adversaries of Islam with persistence and resistance. O children of the honorable and self-regarding persons, be tolerant ! heath is only a scaffold which you must cross subsequent to confronting hardships to achieve Heaven and its delights. Which of you don't care to go from this jail (world) to the elevated royal residences (Paradise ) ? " Having heard the Imam's address, every one of his mates were overpowered and shouted out, "O our Master! We are trouble prepared to safeguard you and your Ahlu 'I-hayt, and to give up our lives for the reason for Islam." Imam Husayn conveyed from his camp one after an- other to battle and penance their lives in the method for the Lord. In conclusion, when every one of his men and kids had set out their lives, Imam Husayn brought his six-month old infant child 'Ali al-Asghar, and offering him all alone hands, requested some water for the infant, biting the dust of thirst. The thirst of the child was extinguished by a savage harmed bolt from the animal's strengths, which stuck the infant's neck to the arm of the powerless father. Finally when the six-month old child likewise was killed, Imam Husayn tended to Allah: "O Lord! Thy Husayn has offered in Thy way whatever Thou hath favored him with. Favor Thy Husayn, O Lord! with the acknowledgement of this penance.

Everything Husayn could do till now was through Thy help and by Thy Grace." Lastly, Imam Husayn came into the field and was slaughtered, the subtle elements of which unfeeling butcher are grievous. The strengths of Yazid having murdered Imam Husayn, cut and disjoined his head from his body and raised it on a spear. The disjoined leader of the Holy Imam started celebrating Allah from the purpose of the spear saying, 'Allahu Akbar'. "All superbness be to Allah Who is the Greatest!" After the wholesale, unfeeling and most severe butcher of the Holy Imam with his unwavering band, the assistance  less women and youngsters alongside the feeble child of Imam Husayn, Imam 'Ali Zaynu 'l-'Abidin, were taken hostages.

A few Sayings of the Holy Prophet During his Lifetime with Reference to Imam Husayn: 

1. Hasan and Husayn are the Leaders of the Youths of Paradise. 

2. Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn, Allah becomes friends with the individuals who     get to know Husayn and He is the foe of the individuals who bear animosity to him. 

3. Whosoever wishes to see such a man who lives on earth however whose respect is             respected by the Heaven- occupants, ought to see my grandson Husayn. 

4. O my child! thy tissue is my fragile living creature and thy blood is my blood; thou       craftsmanship a pioneer, the child of a pioneer and the sibling of a pioneer; thou workmanship an otherworldly guide, the child of a profound aide and the sibling of a profound aide; thou workmanship an Apostolical Imam, the child of an Apostolical Imam and the sibling of an Apostolical Imam; thou craftsmanship the father of nine Imams, the ninth of whom would be the Qa'im (the last trustworthy profound aide). 

5. The discipline delivered on the killer of Husayn in Hell would be equivalent to a large portion of the aggregate discipline to be forced on the whole delinquents of the world.

6. At the point when the Holy Prophet educated Hadrat Fatimah of the affliction in store for his grandson, she begin sobbing uncontrollably and asked, "O my dad ! at the point when might my child be martyred?" "In such a basic minute," answered the Holy Prophet, "When neither I nor you, nor 'ALI would be alive." This complemented her sadness and she asked once more, "Who then, O my dad, would celebrate Husayn's affliction? " The Holy Prophet said, "The men and the ladies of a specific group of my supporters, who will become friends with my Ahlul-Bayt, will grieve for Husayn and remember his affliction every year in consistently."

Ibn Sa'd describes from fiery debris Sha'bi: 

Imam 'Ali, while on his approach to Siffin, went through the desert of Karbala', there he halted and sobbed bitingly. At the point when investigated with respect to the reason for his sobbing, he remarked that one day he went to the Holy Prophet and discovered him sobbing. When he solicited the Apostle from Allah in respect to what was the reason which made him sob, he answered, "O 'ALI, Gabriel has quite recently been with me and educated me that my child Husayn would be martyred in Karbala', a spot close to the bank of the River Euphrates. This moved me so much that I couldn't help sobbing."

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